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I open my eyes. My wife lays on my chest, her hand on my shoulder opposite of her head.  I rub her bare back before kissing her forehead. I gently move the nude beauty off of me. I make my way over to our ensuite. I look at my naked body in the mirror.

Huh? When did we come home?

I pee before walking back out to our room. Nezther sits up in bed, smiling at me. "Good morning," she motions me over to her.

I walk over. "Good morning," I rasp out. She pulls me down to kiss her, then eventually pulling me down to kiss her. I furrow my eyebrows as I adjust myself over her. "Babe," I pull away, "why're we naked?" I sit up.

"What?" She giggles, "we had sex after the wedding."

"Wedding? Our wedding?"

She runs her fingers through my hair. "Yes, baby, did you drink that much you don't remember?"

I shake my head, "no, I had a weird dream." I attack her face with kisses. I make my way down to her neck.

I sit up quickly. Nezther looks over at me. The kids lay between us, sound asleep. "Sorry, did I wake you?" I ask my wife.

She shakes her head. "I've been up."

"Can I talk to you in the kitchen?" This time she nods and stands up. I follow her to the kitchen where she begins to make coffee. "I'm sorry about last night," I bite my lip. "It's hard for me to watch you go through this and not be able to help you. Headspace or not, you are my baby and it's my job to take care of you."

She stays quiet. I stare at her as she moves to grab the coffee grounds. A tear slides down my cheek, the silence is killing me.

"Please don't cry," she leans her back against the counter. Our eyes connect and she furrows her eyebrows. She walks over to me slowly, standing in front of me. She grabs my hips and wraps her arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around her and lean my head on top of hers. "Don't cry."

Another tear falls onto her head and she sighs. I hold her for what seems like only a few seconds before the beautiful woman pulls away.

"Please stop crying over me," she cups my cheeks.

I place my hands on Nezther's hips. "I can't," I whisper, "I can't, Nessie." She wipes the tears off of my cheeks with her thumbs. "I'm so scared I'm going to break you," I admit, "I don't want to break you. You're already so broken." I avoid her eyes. "Can I hold you? I just need to hold you," I break down into a fit of sobs.

As soon as she nods, I drop to the floor and bring her with me. I sit on my knees with her straddling my lap. She kisses my cheeks as I cry.

A few minutes pass and my tears have dried. Nezther plants her lips onto my neck, gripping my shoulders tightly. "Nes," I whisper.

She moves back up to my lips. "Shh, babe," she pushes her lips to mine. I wrap my arms around her waist. "Jace," she breathes out after pulling away.

She stands a little, only enough to take off her panties and lift her nightgown. My eyes widen as she grabs ahold of my boxers. "Nezther–" I grab her wrists.

"Shh," she gets my underwear off and sits on me. My hands go to her ass as she moves in the slightest. She breathes heavily, letting out small whimpers. Her head leans against my shoulder

"You okay?" I kiss the side of her face.

She nods, "perfect," she breathes out.

My hands travel to her back as I hold her close to me. "Baby," I moan as she moves her hips at a teasingly slow pace, "oh fuck."

She sits upright and grabs my face. Our lips move sloppily as do our hips. I thrust upwards as she moves up and down my length. "I'm gonna– Jason," she moans out.

I nod, "keep going, baby. I'm almost– shit," I growl as I release into her. Nezther moans into my ear loudly. I kiss her nose then her lips a few times. "You good, baby?"

She moves herself off my privates and sits on my bare thighs. "I'm good," she caresses my cheeks. "I'm going to go take a shower."

I kiss her nose again. "I'm gonna wake up the kids and make breakfast. It'll be ready when you're done in the shower, if you're hungry," I whisper before resting my head on her shoulder.

"Or," she starts, "I just got... juices all over your legs. You could join me in the shower." She stands up and extends her hands to me.

I gladly take them. "I love that you're being so close to me," I wrap my arm around her shoulder as we walk. "But I don't want you to feel like you need to be for me."

"I'm not," she clears her throat.

I kiss her cheek sloppily a few times, making her giggle. "I'm gonna go check on the kids and get us some clothes. You get in, baby," I grin at my wife.

She smiles back before going into the bathroom. I walk to my room to see the kids still asleep on the bed. I sigh happily before grabbing my phone. As I'm grabbing two outfits from the suitcases, my phone starts buzzing beside me.

"Hey," I answer.

"Hey, boss," Luca speaks, "just calling to check in on everyone."

"We're good, the kids are sleeping."

"Where's Nezther? How's she doing?"

I bite my lip. "She's in the shower... we–uh... we just had sex," I tell him.

"What!?" He shrieks like a girl. "How'd it happen? Tell me about it!"

I roll my eyes. "You're such a girl."

"Okay, you're on speaker. David, Genevieve, and Sophia are here."

I roll my eyes once more. "I woke up from a dream, sorta. Then when I sat up, she was awake. I asked if I could talk to her in the kitchen. I started crying and she hugged me. I fell to the floor and she started kissing on me. I said her name and she hushed me and we had really good sex. I'm about to go hop in the shower with her," I explain.

"OH MY GOD!" Sophia yells, "GO GIVE HER THE LOVE SHE NEEDS! CALL US LATER!" And the line went dead.

I chuckle to myself before glancing back at the kids. They're still asleep so I grab the clothes and scurry out. I open the curtain to the shower. "Finally," Nezther wipes off her face as she looks at me.

I frown at her puffy eyes. "Were you crying?" I slide off my boxers and step in.

She nods, grabbing my shoulders. "It was a happy cry, though."

I place my hands on her soaked hips. "Are you sure? You can tell me anything," I lean my forehead against hers.

"Positive," She then presses her lips to mine passionately.

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