Ch 5--Learning the Rules

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Evan left a note on the counter the next morning for his mom, just in case she got home before him tonight. He didn't expect her to--she had class today--but better safe than sorry.

After school he walked to the Murphy's house, so they could discuss what Evan's role would be as Connor's new friend.

He didn't really know what being a friend was like, except for stuff from movies. But he didn't really expect to sit on Connor's bed, braiding his hair and gossiping about their crushes.

He knocked on the door. A few moments later it opened and Zoe appeared.

"Evan's here!" She called inside, motioning for him to come in. He set his shoes in the same place they were yesterday then followed Zoe into the house.

"I don't know why you want to do this," She said as they wandered from hall to hall. It was a wonder that Zoe knew where she was going. Evan was already lost. "My brother is terrible." She told him. He gulped. That certainly wasn't helping him feel better.

"W-well, your m-mom, she s-said, yes-yesterday that, she t-told me she was g-going to set some r-rules..." Evan trailed off when Zoe burst out laughing.

"Yeah...I don't know when the last time Connor listened to a "rule" my mom set up, but if he starts now it'd be a miracle." She actually did the air quotes when she said rules. That did not make him feel any better.

Evan just nodded.

Great. So Connor wasn't going to listen to anyone at all. Just perfect.

They walked into a big room, some sort of kitchen. Along the walls were miles and miles of marble countertops, a six burner stove, a large stainless steel fridge, and in the middle of the room was an island with a double sink and four stools along one side. Connor was currently sitting at one, eating some apple slices.

"Hello, Evan, how are you doing today?" Cynthia asked, appearing from behind him. She gave him a one armed hug then continued into the kitchen. She opened a pantry door and pulled a pink apron off the hook and tied it over her cream coloured dress. "What can I make you for snack?" She asked. Zoe hopped up onto a stool--as far away from her brother as possible-- and asked for some yoghurt. Cynthia opened the fridge, then looked at Evan who was still standing in the doorway. "What about you Evan? Come on in and sit down."

Evan shuffled forward and started towards the Murphy siblings. Connor sat on the far left and Zoe on the far right, and he was hoping to sit next to Zoe, because she was far less scary than her brother, but Zoe smirked and put her feet up on the stool beside her. Evan, being too shy to ask her to move, just sat next to Connor. Connor glanced at him, then continued eating his apple. "Evan?"

"Oh...uhm...I-I'm f-fine. I d-don't need anything." He said. He usually didn't eat a snack when he got home from school, because they usually didn't have much food in the house.

"Okay, well I'm cutting up fruit for fruit salad. Would you have some since I'm making it anyway?"

Evan thought about it. That sounded fine. It wasn't like she had to go out of her way to make him something if she was planning to make it anyway. He nodded and she smiled, pulling various kinds of fruit out of the fridge; apples, strawberries, cantaloupe, kiwi, and more. She grabbed a cutting board from a cabinet, along with a knife and a large bowl and began washing and chopping up the fruit.

"So how was school, kids?" She asked. Connor ignored her, pulling out his phone and texting instead. Zoe shrugged.

"I handed in my science paper today, and my teacher said he'd grade it and have it back to me tomorrow."

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