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HARPER COULD NOT, FOR THE LIFE OF HER, focus entirely on brewing the Draught of Living Death. She was too preoccupied with wondering what that vision could have meant, who was crying, where they were at; it had been so brief that she hadn't quite had time to register everything about it, for Malfoy had pulled away as soon as he realized what was happening.

There were a lot of drawbacks to her abilities as a Seer. She didn't have visions every time her skin made contact with someone else's, but when the object the vision centered around was a person, she had to make skin-to-skin contact with them in order to have it. When the object was something inanimate, like a desk or book, she had to simply touch it with her bare fingers. If Harper were to wear gloves, she wouldn't have a vision.

Then there was the fact that the length of these visions could vary. When she was touching an inanimate object, the vision would occur completely unless someone pulled her hand off of it. When it was another person, it would occur until said person pulled away. Harper herself could never control the length of visions because she was mentally swept into them and consequently had no control of her physical body while these visions were happening.

It was all quite nauseating to keep track of, really. And it annoyed her to no end.

By the time class was over, Harry had been the only person able to complete an acceptable draught. Harper was more than surprised considering her godbrother had always been rubbish at potions unless she and Hermione helped him, but she couldn't find it in herself to really care about how he was suddenly good at it. Besides— considering all the things Harry somehow got himself into, perhaps a little bit of Liquid Luck would come in handy for him.

Disbanding from her friends, Harper began making her way toward the Divinations class. Given that she was a Seer, though a rare type, Dumbledore and Remus both insisted that she keep taking Divinations as an elective from her third year on. They thought that perhaps it would help her get a better grasp on her abilities, though really Harper doubted that would ever happen. Her visions came and went, and she couldn't control when she got them.

As she turned the corner, someone suddenly grasped her by the sleeve of her cloak and yanked her into an empty classroom. Harper was quick to pull out her wand and hold it at the ready, a shield charm already at the tip of her tongue— since last year at the Ministry, it was as if part of her was always on guard for an unexpected attack.

She shouldn't have been surprised that the person that had grabbed her was Malfoy. He held his wand at the ready, too, his icy eyes narrowed as he glared at her. "What did you see?"

"What are you—"

"Don't play games with me, Lupin, I know you had a vision earlier!" He hissed at her, yanking on the sleeve of her robes in frustration.

Harper shoved him away from her and put her wand away. It might have been a dumb move on her part, considering how often the two of them fought with each other, but she wasn't afraid of Malfoy. "I didn't really see anything," she admitted with a huff. "You pulled away too quickly."

Malfoy's jaw clenched, and he stared at her for a long moment, trying to decide whether or not she was being honest with him. Finally, he said, "If you're lying to me, I swear on Salazar, I'll—"

"Oh, bite me, Malfoy," she said dismissively with a roll of her eyes. He glared at her, but Harper didn't even spare him another glance as she turned and stormed out of the empty classroom. 

By the time Draco exited it as well, she was already down the hallway from him.

Divinations passed by as it always did: slowly. Although Harper adored Trelawney— she thought she was the sweetest person ever— Harper was still hard-pressed to say the woman wasn't exactly equipped to teach her much of anything. The best piece of advice she'd ever gotten from Trelawney was to embrace her Inner Eye and the visions it blessed her with.

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