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"I can't believe you actually did this." Jae said shaking his head at his boyfriend, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I can't believe that you convinced them to move here. Were you really that desperate to be near me?" Jae teased the younger who turned away at his words.

"First of all, it wasn't just for us, we moved here cause Sungjin got a job offer nearby so hah!" Younghyun said laughing slightly with his words. Jae stuck his tongue out at the younger, as Younghyun turned to look at him. "I mean yeah the fact that you live a few roads over helps a lot for me. God, I can't wait to spoil you." Younghyun walked over to his boyfriend, maneuvering his way around boxes of unpacked stuff.

The younger wrapped his arms around Jae's waist from the back, pulling the olders back against his chest. He laid his head on Jae's shoulder, turning it so he could leave soft kisses on the older boys neck. "Hyun~" The older whined at the younger boys actions. Younghyun smiled against Jae's neck with his words. His arms tightened around Jae's waist, sighing as he turned his head forward. "Shouldn't Sungjin and Dowoon be here any minute?" Jae asked relaxing in his boyfriend's arms. He could feel Younghyun try to shake his head yes.

Jae turned around in Younghyun's arms, smiling at his boyfriend and giving him a quick kiss before pushing his arms off of his waist. The older stepped away from Younghyun to try and figure out where the boxes went. He turned his back to the younger, hiding his blushing face from him. Jae knew if Younghyun saw his face, he would be teased to no end about it. As Jae opened his mouth to ask his boyfriend a question, the front door to the apartment slammed open to reveal Dowoon, Sungjin, and a startled Wonpil behind then.

"I didn't know they moved here already! Why doesn't anyone tell me anything!" Wonpil pouted as he seen Jae inside the apartment already. He was disappointed that he wasn't informed of their arrival until he saw Dowoon throwing bags of chips at Sungjin in the store. "You guys suck, keeping this from me." Wonpil dropped onto the couch dramatically, accidentally sending papers into the air with his drop. "If I can't trust you guys to tell me, who can I trust?"

"Stop being so dramatic, you big baby." Jae said, grabbing some of the papers that fell off the couch. He rolled them up and smacked Wonpil in the chest with them. "Since you're here I now have someone to talk to while the three stooges unpack." Jae lifted Wonpil legs and sat down, only to set them on his lap. The three best friends stared at the two in disbelief. They hoped they would at least help them unpack since they were in their apartment. Listening to their better judgement, they didn't argue. They knew Jae would pull age card to get out of it, and Wonpil was well, Wonpil. Sighing, the three got to work.

How Can I Say? // k.y.h + p.j.hWhere stories live. Discover now