Special! (1)

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A/n: before I start this, I wanted to say happy holidays to everyone! This is kind of a short af winter chapter that has nothing to do with the plot of this at all but still surrounds the characters  so please enjoy :))) (Also shameless self promo but follow my fan acc on insta @/foolpcy please?)


Younghyun loved the winter, well he loved everything that came with winter. He loved pulling out all of his sweaters and scarves from the back of his closet. He loved the fact he could drink hot chocolate and bury himself under a pile of blankets without judgement. He loved the small things that came with winter. His boyfriend however did not.

At the first mention of the cold weather, Jae almost cried. He hated the cold. Every winter, Jae wanted to die. He hated being cold, and everything that involved the cold months of the year. He didn't want to have to wear layers of clothes just to step outside and check the mail. He didn't enjoy snow or the fact that if he went outside for more than a moment or two without his jacket, he'd be freezing for the next half hour. Jae didn't like winter at all until he got to spend it with Younghyun. The younger was virtually Jae's personal heater and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Younghyun was try to drag Jae out of his house to go walk around town, claiming to want to explore the city more, having only moved there a month ago. "Come on! It'll be fun Jae! Think of it as our first winter date together!" Younghyun spoke, his voice all too happy for the older boy's liking. Younghyun grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of his room, making Jae sigh as he gave up his very short fight. Younghyun grabbed their jackets from beside the door, stuffing Jae's into the boys arms. They slipped on their shoes and Younghyun threw the door open, dragging Jae behind him as he stepped outside.

"I really don't see the point in going out, we're just going to get sick and cold. I really don't want to have to deal with you when you're sick." Jae said closing the front door and locking it behind him. His dislike for being outside during winter was on full display, making the younger frown slightly. "Besides who needs the cold? I can just turn the ac on inside and have every fan going if I want the cold."

Younghyun sighed throwing his arms up as he stepped off the porch. "That defeats the whole purpose. Winter is a great time! There's so much to do!" Younghyun exclaimed, making grand gestures with his hands trying to show Jae how wonderful winter could be. "We can get hot chocolate and see all the lights the city has put up. Oh! Then we can go ice skating and be that one couple that holds onto each for support despite not needing it, and then we can go watch frosty or something at one of the cinemas. I'm sure one place will have it up at least!" The pure excitement in his voice caused Jae's heart to melt, a smile making its' way on his face.

"Fine, come on you dork." Jae said, walking behind the younger reaching out to grab his boyfriend's hand. He interlaced their fingers together making the younger boy blush at the action. "So you want hot chocolate first?" Jae asked turning his head to face Younghyun. He got a nod in response and turned to face forward again. "Just know if I'm cold by the time we're done, you're bringing me blankets and hot drinks until I'm warm. Maybe we can cuddle, I haven't decided yet." Jae teased, his voice playful as he spoke.

"Alright, deal now come on!" Younghyun said beginning to run, hand not lettting go of Jae's, making the older boy stumble, caught off guard. Jae didn't know what he got himself into, but he honestly didn't mind.

A/n: this isn't edited at all and I'm sorry but yeah!! Sorry for this being shit but hope you guys like it? I'm trying to get an actual update together tho!

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