Eddie stared at the concrete. "Don't do it Eddie, it will only hurt worse in the end." he told himself. "One time. That's it, period." He decided. Richie was so addicting, like a drug.
His drug.
2:18 PM Eddie heard his phone go off and sighed. "Richie again" he thought to himself. "I might as well answer."
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He never responded.
"Why won't anyone accept me" Eddie thought as hot tears ran down his face.
"Nobody loves me!" He sobbed.
2:26 PM
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Eddie gasped. "Who would send this to me? I don't know this number." He began crying again as he made the realization that Richie had something to do with this. But he refused to believe it. That was, until he had proof. And boom, the proof appeared right before his eyes.
2:33 PM
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Eddie couldn't believe it. Richie was a homophobe. "No! We're best friends! He's supposed to say this won't come into the middle of our friendship!" He told himself.