Chapter 6

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They were both beat up quite a bit. Ky had a bloody nose, while Sarrah a bloody mouth and forehead. We just stood there for a bit while they "talked." I had to eventually pull Ky off and help clean her up. In that time I looked Sarrah straight in the eyes and I think she realized who I was was since her eyes grew huge.

Turns out the fight started when Sarah looked at me and Alex walk off to talk and she said I was hot. Ky being right beside her did not like it, but she let it go a bit. A few minutes later when Sadie had radioed in asking what was going on and where I was, Sarah heard and said that me being a leader is even hotter. That pushed Ky over the edge and started to talk angrily with Sarah. She said to back off and that I was her boyfriend, but Sarah just would not stop at talking and said she will take me from Ky. They eventually got into each others faces and started pushing and shoving. They had only been fighting for about two minutes when Alex and I had came back.

We got the two cleaned up and looking decent, and  then met back up around the fire. Alex was cooking some of the deer we had while Sadie was working on some type of salad and sauce using the berries and greens form what we and they had. Everyone sat around the campfire, my squad on one side and the little group on the other. I was in the middle of everything since I knew people from this little group and was the leader of my squad. It was really awkward because I was sitting between Ky and Sarah. I had Ky leaning on my shoulder a bit tired and Sarah sitting there trying to not make eye contact with either of us. I eventually had to break the silence between all of us by asking Sarah why she was up here for the evac.

"I was moving up here for a visit when my car was stopped on Exit 53 and I was told to get in the last Hummer in the convoy. Turns out they were evacuating the county to a military base on the coast. When I got in Alex was sitting there tired and serious. When our Hummers broke down we moved into the woods and started setting up a camp. Been here ever since."

She turned towards Ky and I got tense, "Sorry for hitting on Wesley here. If I knew it was him I would not of done it, for he is an old friends and basically a little brother. It's been awhile since I had last seen him, so I didn't bring that into thought. I hope you can forgive me." I let out a sigh of relief when Ky had said yes. This could be a factor in the decision of whether or not they were going to stay here, or accompany us to Camp Lejeune.

Alex and Sadie had finished cooking and we all sat down to eat. Since the tension had left the two groups we intermingled with each other. Alex came to join Sarah, Ky and I at our little rock table. Emilee I saw go to a boy that seem to be spastic and a little bit hard to handle. I did not doubt her though, she could even get me scared when she is mad. Sadie and Sophia went off towards a group of people that seemed to have been looking at them as if they were familiar. I did not doubt it if they did, when reconstruction in Henderson happened we had people from all over the country come into the area.

After the "feast" Alex stood up and formally introduced us. Starting with how I was a lifelong friend and for the time we were here we were to be treated with respect. He said everyone should show us respect since we are only high schoolers and were able to keep ourselves upright and healthy. He then hit them with the question: should they leave and join us? Over ninety percent wanted to leave and it was decided that we would all move out tomorrow first thing at dawn.

We woke up that morning, Ky and I, to find people rushing around. Turns out some idiot last night killed Maddy and ran off. We came out of the tent to find all her gear and items taken. We buried her at the spot she died at and left the camp with heavy heart and continued on our way to Shelby.

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