Chapter 7:Operation Kitty Rose

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Shiro narrates their plan as it proceeds.(Quick A/N:Shiro's narration is in bold.)
The Galra Empire knows about the Blue and Yellow Lions,but they don't know we have the Green Lion,too.Hunk,Lance,you'll act as a decoy by pretending to give yourselves up.

Lance and Hunk approach the Galra warship with the Blue Lion and Yellow Lion.Pidge flies to the underside of the warship with the Green Lion undetected.Lance sends Sendak a transmission.
"Attention,Galra ship.Do not fire.We're surrendering our Lions."
The transmission ends.
"..Hope this works." Lance mutters.

While Sendak is distracted,Keith,Nellie,Pidge,and I will sneak onto the ship in the Green Lion.Keith and I will find the Red Lion while Nellie and Pidge guard our exit.Hunk,Lance,find some way to take down that ion cannon.

Pidge docks the Green Lion undereneath the warship,and then cuts a hole into the warship's hull.Shiro,Keith,Nellie,and Pidge infiltrate inside.Nellie dons a lavender space suit,with her own helmet and everything.The Paladins communicate through their helmets.

"Pidge,what's your ETA?" Lance asks VIA his communicator.
"We're in." Pidge responds.

"Activate tractor beam." Sendak commands.The Galra warship unleashes a bright light.

"What's that thing?" Hunk asks.
"I think that's our signal to get out of here!" Lance shoots back.
Lance and Hunk pilot their Lions to flee the tractor beam.

"They lied to us.Launch fighters!" Sendak yells.Galra fighter jets deploy from the warship.

"Hunk,you dismantle the ion cannon while I take these jerks on a space ride!" Lance shouts.
"Ten-four!" Hunk responds.

Inside the Galra warship,Shiro has a mini flashback,soon recollecting himself.
"...I've been here before.After I was taken by the Galra cruiser off Kerberos,they brought us here."
"So,that means your other crewmembers,they might be held captive here.We...We've got to rescue them." Pidge states.Nellie suddenly realizes what Pidge is saying and gets concerned. "Pidge,we don't have time.We have to get the Red Lion and get back to Arus."
"But we can't just leave prisoners here!" Pidge argues. "Pidge-" Nellie gets cut off. "Look,no one understands that more than me,but,in war,we have to make hard choices.Now,let's get moving." Shiro counters back.
"No!Commander Holt is my father.He and my brother were the ones on the Kerberos Mission with you." Shiro tries to place the pieces together. "Commander Holt is your father?"
"Yes,and Nellie isn't really my sister either." Nellie sighs. "It's true." She mumbles. "Look,we've been searching everywhere for him and my brother.And I'm not going to give up looking when I'm this close.I won't!"
"I'm coming with you." Shiro suddenly states.
"What?" Both Keith and Nellie ask. "I remember where the prisoners are held.Keith,you take Nellie and go find the Red Lion." "W-With Nellie?Shiro what if I-?"
"It's just a minor change of plans.She'll be fine with you protecting her.Just remember,patience yields focus." A door opens nearby. "So-Run!"
They part ways,Shiro gone with Pidge.Keith grabs Nellie's hand and the two run along a corridor,the two stop at an intersecting corridor. "Great.Now,which way?"
Keith stares at a Galra Emblem until footsteps from sentries start approaching.He scoops Nellie into his arms,looking down to her. "Hold on for me,okay?" He asks.Blushing,she nods. "Okay." After tightening her grip,Keith takes off running to evade the sentries.

Out in space,Hunk tries slamming into the warship's ion cannon but is blocked by a force field.
"What the Quiznak?What is that?A force field?" Hunk asks himself.

Back on Arus,Allura and Len struggle to activate the Castleship's particle barrier. "Particle barrier up!" Len demands.The particle barrier almost activates,but it fails.
"Is that what's supposed to happen?" She asks Allura.
Allura,Coran,and Len look inside the Castleship's systems through a small hole. "All the barrier crystals are out of alignment!" Coran cries out in worry. "We have to fix it immediately.Without the particle barrier,we'll be defenseless."
"We're both too big.What can we do?"
The Altean Mice run inside the small hole squeaking.
"The mice!" Len shouts. "How do they know how to do this?" "I can hear them talking to me.I think our minds are connected." Len explains."I-I can hear it too Len!" Allura states. "..I can't." Coran adds in gloom.The Altean Mice put the crystals back in alignment. "Thank you,friends."
Coran appears to be focusing intensely on the Altean Mice.Allura looks to Coran,confused and kinda disturbed.
"Coran,what are you doing?" "I'm trying to get them to make me a sandwich." Len sighs.

Keith runs through the warship,but ends up at the same Galra emblem as before.
"You've got to be kidding me!...'Patience...yields focus'....." Keith calms himself and focuses inwardly,finally sensing the Red Lion. "Gotcha!" Keith tightens his grip on Nellie and he runs off to claim the Lion.Later,they approach the Red Lion in the hangar on Sendak's mighty but penetrable warship.The mullet boy sets Nellie down on her feet. "Shani." Keith places his hand on the Lion's force field and nothing happens. "Let's get out of here.Open up." No response. "It's me.Keith.Your buddy." Sill no response. "It's me!Keeeeeeiiiiith,your-I.AM.YOUR.PALADIN!"
Nothing happens.No longer being able to contain her laughter,Nellie bursts out in fits of pure laughter. "I-I'm sorry.I'm so,so sorry!" She cries out.Keith,aggravated knocks on the force field.Galra sentries appear and fire laser guns.Keith blocks them with his armor's shield,hiding Nellie behind him. "I'm bonding with you!Hey!Come on!We're connected!"
The Red Lion does not react.Keith summons his Bayard as a katar and fights the sentries. "You're not getting this lion!" He looks back to Nellie. "Stay back!" He shouts.Keith,trying to block laser fire,is knocked back by laser fire as he tries to fight them off.He activates the airlock doors to send the sentries into space,but is sucked out himself,Nellie being dragged along with him.The two latch hands last second,breathing heavily as they are desperate not to let go. "Don't let go of my hand!" Keith yells,desperation in his violet eyes. "I-I won't!" She stammers.Despite its overly dramatic entrance,the Red Lion comes to their rescue and catches the, in its mouth,accepting Keith as its Paladin.Keith takes a seat in the cockpit,his best friend rested somewhat peacefully but shook in his lap.
"Good kitty.Let's roll." He looks to Nellie. "Are you okay?" Nellie looks back up to him,dizzy as ever and flushed. "I-I'm fine.J-Just a bit dizzy."

In space,Hunk uses the Yellow Lion's mouth cannon on the force field.
"Come on,just break,you stupid thing!"
At his request,the force field finally breaks. "Score one for Hunk!"Hunk slams the Yellow Lion into the ion cannon,disfiguring it.The Red Lion,Blue Lion,and Green Lion appear.
"You guys made it!"
"Kitty Rose has left the stage!" Nellie informs.
"Let's get the heck out of here!"
"I hope I stopped that cannon.I could barely make a dent in it!"

Inside the Galra warship,Sendak is NOT pleased at their victory.
"They stole the Red Lion!" Haxus yells. "After them!Either we get those Lions or we blow this whole planet to cosmic dust!Fire the ion cannon!" Sendak commands. "Sir,the ion cannon has been damaged."
"Then,send the drones to fix it!"

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