Chapter 4:The Lions of Voltron

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Back in the castle,Allura stands at the Sleep Chamber console with a plate of food goo floating nearby.Len sits on the cold floor. "Len,Princess,you must eat.It's been 10,000 years." "I'm not hungry." Allura reassures him.Len just shakes her head,looking depressed as quiznak. "Man,10,000 years?That's like one thousand plus ten." "That's times ten." Keith corrects him.Hearing this,Lance grumbles. "Whatever,dropout." Keith growls.
"I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm starving." "Yeah,but you've thrown up,like,five times." Pidge states,countering Hunk's statement. "Hmm...Good point." Hunk begins eating the food goo,continuing to eat although disgusted.
"I can't believe your civilization created such advanced technology 10,000 years ago.It must have been an incredible place." Nellie states. "Yes,it was...but now it is gone and we're the last Alteans..and half Altean alive."
Allura mourns as Coran comforts her.Len,no longer being able to hold them back,lets out her nerve-wrecked sobs.Unable to watch her suffer,Pidge heads over to Len,giving the Altean-Galra hybrid a hug.Len melts in the sweet geek's arms.Then,she hears a squeak from her sleep pod.Pidge picks her up and they head over to the pod and Len is happy to find a group of four Altean Mice. "It looks like we're not the last ones after all." She mutters.
The Castleship alarms blare and a Galra warship appears on-screen.
"A Galra battleship has set its tracker to us!" "How did they find us?!" Len yells. "I'm not sure,but I bet it's Keith's fault." Lance states. "Say whatever you've got to say to make yourself feel better...after getting us stuck on the other side of a Wormhole!" Keith argues. "I'LL STICK YOU IN A WORMHOLE!" Lance counters.Lance and Keith appear ready to fight,Lance giving Keith the common 'Come at me Bro' arms but Shiro separates them.
"Stow it,cadets!This is no time to place blame,it's time to work as a team.How long before they arrive?" "At their speed?Oh,well,uh,carry the two...I'd say probably a couple of days?" Coran informs. "Good.Let them come!" Len states with pride. "By the time they get here,you five will have reformed Voltron,and together,we will destroy Zarkon's empire!" Hunk then burps. "Sorry!Food goo."
"Princess,there are five of these Lions.How are we going to find the rest?"

In the Castleship's bridge shines a crystal above,Allura standing in the center. "King Alfor connected the Lions to Allura's life force.She alone is the key to the Lions' whereabouts." Len explains.Allura then activates the computer,opening up a map of the entire known universe. "Whoa!" They all shout "These are coordinates.The Black Lion looks like it's in the same location as the Blue Lion." "Look at your primitive synapses firing away in their little brain cage!" Coran shouts with glee. "Very observant.That's because the Black Lion is in the Castle." "To keep the Black Lion out of Zarkon's hands,King Alfor locked it in the Castle.It can only be freed if the other four Lions are present."
"As you have found,the Lions choose their pilots.It is a mystical bond and cannot be forced.The Quintessence of the pilot is mirrored in his Lion.Together,they form something greater than science can explain." Len sends the Black Lion hologram towards Shiro,Allura taking care of the talking.
"The Black Lion,or Onyx as Len calls him,is the decisive head of Voltron.It will take a pilot who is a born leader and in control at all times,someone whose men will follow without hesitation.That is why,Shiro,you will pilot the Black Lion." Allura informs.Len then moves the Green Lion's hologram towards Pidge. "The Green Lion,Ivy,has an inquisitive personality and needs a pilot of intellect and daring.Pidge,you will pilot the Green Lion.The Nila,Blue Lion-" Lance interrupts Allura.
"-Hold up,let me guess:Takes the most handsome slash best pilot of the bunch?" Lance smile.Allura looks annoyed and then continues.
"The...Yellow Lion,Blaine,is caring and kind." Len sends the hologram Yellow Lion towards Hunk as Allura talks. "Its pilot is one who puts the needs of others above his own.His heart must be mighty.As the leg of Voltron,you will lift the team up and hold them together." Hunk questionably points to himself. "The Red Lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master.It's faster and more agile than the others,but also more unstable.Its pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instincts than skill alone.Keith,you will fly the Red Lion." "What?This guy?" Lance and Keith glare at each other,earning a sigh from Nellie.
"Unfortunately,I cannot locate the Red Lion's coordinates yet.There must be something wrong with the Castle.After 10,000 years,it might need some work."
"Don't worry,we'll find it soon.They don't call me "The Coranic" for nothing." No response. "It's because it sounds like "mechanic."So...Coranic,mechanic.It's not-It doesn't sound...exactly like it.It's similar." The hologram Lions roar and charge together,forming Voltron.
"Once all the Lions are united,you will form Voltron,the most powerful warrior ever known,the Defender of the Universe." "Awesome!" Hunk shouts. "Oh..." "Wait.Okay,we're going to be in there and flying Lions.Got that part.How do Lions turn into legs?Also,is this going to be a long trip?Because I have to pee.Do you people pee?" Hunk asks. "You know we don't have much time.Pidge,Nellie,and I will go after the Green Lion.Lance,you take Hunk and get the yellow one.Keith,you stay here.If you locate that Red Lion,go get it." "In the meantime,I'll get this Castle's defenses ready.They'll be sorely needed." Allura states. "I'll ready a pod a-and load in the coordinates so that you can reach the Green Lion."
The two teams take off,Lance with Hunk in the Blue Lion,and Shiro,Pidge,and Nellie crammed in a flight pod.Allura readies herself to open a Wormhole with the Castle's power.
"We can only keep the Wormholes that lead to the other Lions open for two of your Earth hours,so you'll have to be quick about your work.The good news is that according to my readings,both planets are relatively peaceful.So,if you do get stuck,they could be relaxing places to live out the rest of your lives.Enjoy the trip!"
"I did not receive the memo on this."
Keith and Len waited in the bridge.Silence filled the room. "So...what did you call the Red Lion?" Keith asked. "...Shani." Len responds. "Huh,cool then."

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