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December 22nd

When they finally landed on the grounds in Wiltshire, Scorpius kept a quick pace until he was the first one through the doors to Malfoy Manor, trying not to be so down. It was practically Christmas and here he was pouting about his love life like a such a girl. He shook his head as he made his way up the stairs towards his floor, then his room where he tried his hardest not to slam his door before tossing his wand onto the bed briefly followed by himself.

Sadly enough for the sad boy, he wasn't left alone for long, because Teddy and Elle were standing in his doorway happily, beckoning him to come help put up decorations.

"I am almost positive we have house elves who do that," Scorpius practically snapped sarcastically.

"Woah," Teddy said dropping his smile and taking a step towards his little brother. "Scorp, are you mad at me?"

"Not as mad as she should be," he said angrily, pointing at the usually talkative girl who had been almost uncharacteristically quiet ever since the Victoire incident. "But I c-can't say I part-t-ticularly want to see anyone right n-now. Hence why I came u-up here alone and th-the door was cl-closed!"

Teddy's hair flashed pink before becoming a flaming red. He dropped Elle's hand and walked closer to the paler boy until he was practically towering over him. His voice was eerily calm.

"If you have something to say, Scorpius, say it."

"Elle doesn't des-serve you treating her l-like that. With all the t-time you spend with Victoire, I don't even th-think you really like her anymore," the shorter boy said staring him directly in the eyes.

"I don't think it's really any of your business. Not saying you're any better. Just because Hugo isn't at Hogwarts that doesn't mean you can stare down Nick's throat all the bloody time. What are you going to do when they're both here for Christmas?"

"Th-that's not true!"

"It's as true as the fact you can't focus on a sodding thing long enough to finish them! You know, I'm actually surprised you can hold a conversation most days, but you always stutter through them in the end." Teddy was spitting venom and he just couldn't stop. How dare Scorpius yell at him? Like he had did something wrong. He had always been there for him and this is what he got back every time. So what if the blonde was having an off day. He put a sneer on his face before continuing then doing an impression of his fathers. "I'm getting sick and tired of everyone fawning all over you. 'Have you taken your potions today, Scorpius?' or 'Take deep breaths Scorpius.' Or, my personal favorite; 'Have you eaten today, Scorpius? Would you like me to call a house elf to get you a sandwich or a biscuit?' I mean, honestly, you would think that growing up would mean you got more mature, learn to do some things for yourself, but really you're still the same little spoiled brat crying for his Mummy you were when I first met you!"

Elle sucked in a surprised breath before turning then rushing away and Teddy froze, but before he could start his apology Scorpius was responding just as harshly.

"Oh, well at least I h-had parents! You knew yours for what? A c-coupl'a days? A month? I'm sure they made quite the imp-pression on you, though," Scorpius spat back rolling his eyes, but before he could say anything else, Teddy was pushing him, hard. His back was against the wall next to the alcove beneath his bay window, the corner of his mahogany desk was digging into his side and Teddy's wand was at aimed at his throat.

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