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Scorpius walked towards the train with his head down. His black sweater vest was crooked over his pale blue button up and his robes were tossed across his arm haphazardly. He didn't know what had gotten into him. He reached a hand up and rubbed at his temples. Going off of his potions were tiring. He felt like a completely different person now that he had started taking them again and he felt embarrassed. His father couldn't even look at him these last few weeks. He gets on the train and finds a seat as if he were on autopilot. He lays his head against the window and only looks up when the compartment door opens and Teddy comes in holding on to Elle's hand he forces a smile on to his face before looking out the window again. Teddy sat across from him and reached over to pat his shoulder.

"It's summer, Scorp!" he said excitedly and when the boy looked up to find his brother sporting a elephant trunk with donkey ears and Weasley brand ginger hair he couldn't help but burst into silent laughter.


"Tell me again, why I told your daddy he could go out with your Uncle Blaise," Harry says, cooing at the girls who were crawling around their nursery in the new play gate, he had spent their nap time putting together.

"Bah-bah, bah-bah..." babbled Anita pushing herself into a sitting position. Lyra bobbed her head, before babbling along with her.

"Yeah," Harry said nodding as if he understood. "You're right. He deserves a break with his friends."

"Da-da, dadadadada..." Lyra says this time.

"You're right too, love. Papa deserves a break, don't I?"

Draco leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed and a content smile on his face. He stepped into the room and gracefully slid onto the floor beside his husband, sitting with his legs to the side and laying his head on Harry's shoulder.

"I was only gone for an hour, Potter," the blonde says and Harry can hear the smile in his voice.

"How was Blaise?"

"Same as always."

"Handsome and considerate?" asks Blaise walking into the room. His fresh locs were pinned into a ponytail, showing off the array of tasteful earrings.

"I was going to say a selfish prat, but-" Draco lifted one shoulder and waved his hand flippantly.

"Who says I can't be all of that?" he asked with a smile and raised eyebrow. "Don't you all just look incredibly domestic," he said still smiling.

"Thank you for getting him home in one piece, Blaise," said the ravenette still on the floor. "Did you guys have a nice time?"

"He only takes me out to muggle bars so when people come hit on me he can say I'm married and pick them up," Draco says into his husband's shoulder.

"I'm actually not surprised," Harry snorts. He notices the other man staring somewhat wistfully towards tge girls and nudges Draco imperceptibly. The blonde blinks up at him and nods. "Uh- Blaise?"


"Would you like to hold one of the girls?"

The darker man's face looked thrilled for a second before he completely closed it off, back into a calm and collected mask, Harry had almost always known. He shook his head quickly before looking away.

"I'm not much of a children-man, Potter. Thank you for the offer though." He nodded at them both. "Draco, we should really do this again. I'll let myself out."

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