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Christmas Day: 12:00am

"You know Mother didn't say that stuff intentionally," said Draco once everyone had left and they were lying in bed alone. "She was actually enjoying having everyone here. She hates when the house is empty- especially during the holidays."

"Yeah, I know. No one was blaming her." Harry rolled over to face him and reached out a hand to lay on his cheek softly. It's just best that it's only the family when George gets like that though. We all take time to process stuff differently, he just usually chooses not to because it's easier that way..."

"It's my fault, you realize? That his holidays are ruined for the rest of his life."

"We aren't going down that path," the darker man said, taking his glasses off laying then on the nightstand on his side of the bed (pre-pregnancy was Draco's side). The blonde flipped over so he was facing the wall. He didn't need any reassurement, he knew what he had done. He knew that didn't make him a bad person, but it did make him worth a hell of a lot of blame, whether Harry wanted to think about it that way or not. "Draco, look at me."

Draco didn't look at him and instead breathed out a few puffs of soft breath and let his body relax a little bit more. The man behind him shoved at his back in frustration.

"I know you're not sleep."

"If I were you would have woken me up anyway, you great barbarian." When the darker man seemed like he was going to open his mouth to say something else Draco intervened a little more forcefully than strictly necessary. "Look, I don't want to talk about this, Potter."

"Fine," said his husband with his own huff before rolling so they were both facig away from each other and without another word the lights in there room were extinguished.



Harry was forcing himself up into a sitting position on the side of the bed for about the fourth time in the last couple of hours. This would have been fine, if he didn't have to jostle the entire sodding bed everytime so that Draco had to be up with him.

"You know, I thought I'd actually get some sleep before being surrounded by Weasleys and my parents again," he threw out angrily, putting the pillow over his face to block out the sliver of light coming from the slightly cracked open door that seemed to direct the light right into his eyes.

"Yeah, well I never thought I'd be pregnant so I guess we were both wrong, eh?" said the bespectacled man from the bathroom as the toilet flushed and he washed his hands. He turned off the light before climbing back into the bed and slipping into the blanket, placing his round glasses onto the side table yet again.

"Oh, let it go. You were happy when you found out, admit it."

"I was surprised as all hell..." he turned over at his husband's scoff and grabbed his waist, pulling him as closely as he could with a protruding belly between them. "But I can't say I wasn't happy to hear it."

Draco turned over to face him and placed his hands on the protrusion before leaning in to kiss him. Once their lips had parted they both lied there staring into each other's eyes in the darkened room with content smiles on their face until a firm but trepid knock sounded against their door.

"Ahem," said the quiet and uncomfortable voice of Lucius Malfoy as he pushed the door open an inch to allow his lumos tipped wand to light up his face through the small space. "Draco, your mother and I require...assistance with the presents."

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