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Your day with Morty was absolutely amazing, it Rained all day forcing the two of you to stay inside. You played video games, such as Mario Cart and Minecraft battling and becoming intense as you play shoving each other occasionally so one of you would mess up and crash leading the other to victory. You laughed until your stomach hurt, not to mention all the junk food you guys piled in didn't help. After you both need a break Morty decided on watching Horror Movies. The kid was Clinging to you in fear most of the time you not being afraid of gore, you protectiveness led to you helping him relax when he got a little too scared or you telling him to when to close and open his eyes.  You pinched Morty's arm once the Movie was over which was your mistake, He pinched you back soon leading to a war cashing each other as you both ran around the house roughhousing as you played soon tackling each other tickling the other making them laugh.

God, you couldn't help but think that Morty had the most amazing laugh, it was so cute and innocent. It just made you happy all on its own. The whole day was just perfect and you could tell that Morty was so much happier just as planned, Sadly you both killed your energy and passed out on the makeshift bed on his bedroom floor.

You were only asleep for so long before you woke up crying from a nightmare. All you could remember is something dark something flashing in your head over and over you.  venerable scared but You couldn't scream you were almost paralyzed as you just sat up bring your knees to your chest sobbing, thunder crackled and rumbled making you cry harder terrified no matter what it was.
      Your whole body was shaking but you couldn't stay in there as much as you wanted to stay by Mortys Side even possibly wake him for comfort you needed to walk around maybe get some water. You grabbed one of the blankets off the floor covering yourself up due to only being in Morty's t-shirt from earlier and your underwear. You had a sudden trust and no cares of what you were wearing around Morty, for the short time being you bonded with him. You wanted to be his best friend for like ever.  But you covered your whole bottom half to have at lest a little decency before leaving the room quietly not waking the small slumbering boy on the floor.
    You made your way downstairs to no surprise seeing Rick Up watching TV, You turned around hoping he hadn't noticed you possibly a good idea to retreat to the comfort of your friend but with your luck, he spoke quietly looking at you strangely.

"w-what are you doing up so late kid? aUrgghn't,-- aren't you supposed to be hanging out with Morty or something?" he grumbled, "and are you, Crying?" He asked

'Jeez, cool it with the questions'

     You turned around and looked at him, he sat with his legs tossed out on the coffee table one draped over the other, his shiny silver flask in one hand and the Tv remote in the other. You wiped your face quickly holding the blanket tightly in your grasp,

"ah, I'm just thirsty and came down to get s-something to drink that's all"

   Rick rolled his eye's at you as if he wasn't impressed and patted the cushion next to him on the couch keeping his gaze focused the tv. You obliged having non wear els to run and made your way down the steps and plopped down next to rick with a forced smile.

"You're a terrible fucking lier you k-know that right?"

You shifted to look at him, with a glare batting the tears away from your eyes with a pout.

'like he would know'

You sat as far away as you could crisscross as you turned back to watch the T.v. He had some strange cartoon on, these two gangster corn on the cob guys were arguing and shooting guns. It was interesting for the most part, nothing you would usually watch, Your daily shows consisted of demons and Winchesters or robots from outer space.

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