Chapter 5: Captured

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The room stank, with piles of rotting bones in each corner, obviously victims of torture. The city had seemed nice at the start, but then Rick had found out the punishment for intruders. Every once in a while the guards would come in and give Rick his food; mouldy bread. Rick just wished he could escape the chains around his arms and legs. Every now and then he thought about his parents, and the thought that he might never see them again. Tears started to form at the corner of his eyes but he blinked them away so no one would see them. All of a sudden the door swung open and in stepped a figure. He was tall, muscular with a massive crown on his head. He's the king then Rick thought. Then behind him came a small boy with shaggy black hair flopping over his eyes. "Do I have to stay in here dad?" He whined."Yes son, it will help you become a man" The king replied. He threw the boy down before turning and slamming the door behind him.

Meanwhile, Dan was still being held captive by the creepy dudes with the white hair. I wonder where Rick is Dan thought to himself. Then the two creepy guys came back. "Are you ever going to let me go?" Dan asked, clearly agitated. "Well, you might not be able to leave" The one said, pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. "You see, we need to do some tests on you to see how different your mind is to ours, and those tests have the possibility of ending in death" He carried on. Dan's face grew red in anger as he desperately struggled to escape his captivity. He didn't know what he would do if he escaped but he was just going to think of a plan on the spot. He struggled and struggled, but then his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he blacked out. "That should keep him asleep for a while" they laughed.

"So, you're the king's son, eh?" Rick asked, still chained to the wall. "Yeah, it's kinda annoying being so famous when you're a teen, like, you kinda have no privacy, with cameras following you everywhere" the boy replied. "Wait, you have cameras?!" Rick said suprised. The boy looked at him in shock for a bit, before answering "Yeah, they're actually quite old fashioned, everyone has like, a, camera chip planted in their brain, so it's easy taking pictures but not so easy taking selfies and stuff, but ultimatley, it's less luggage." he said, smiling. "Hey," Rick said almost half-heartedly, "is there any chance you could get me out of these? he asked, signalling to the chains on his arms and legs. The boy thought for a minute before answering "Yeah, there is actually. All I need to do is just close one eye, concentrate and" he said, "done. You should be able to escape them now" As soon as he said that the vhains fell from Rick's arms and legs and hit the floor with a bang."Thanks man," Rick replied. "So, do you know how to get out of this cell?" He asked. The boy sat thinking for a moment, before answering "Uhh, no sorry. And by the way, my name's Jesse."

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