Chapter 6: The Escape

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"So, I think I have a way to escape this dump" Jesse said, staring at the door. "My dad will probably be down to let me out in about two hours. When he opens the door, we both dart past him then lock him inside." Jesse continued, sounding like he'd analysed the whole thing a hundred times, which he probably had. Rick just sat there slumped up against the wall, staring into space. "Hello? Dude, are you alive?" Jesse asked, concerned about Rick. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. That actually sounds like quite a good plan." Rick replied, almost half-heartedly. 

When Dan awoke he immediately shut his eyes again because of the harsh, blinding light flooding into his pupils. He opened his eyes again, and the light dimmed. When he sat up he was in a dark, slime covered room that reeked of garbage and dead rats. He looked around, and saw a skeleton hunched up in the corner. He noticed a strange object sticking out of his hand. He got up and grasped the axe from it's bony hand. He turned and the room transformed into a little wooden shed in a garden full of strange, zombie-like creatures. He thrust the axe into the wall and that corner collapsed into a heap of rubble on the ground. The zombie-like creatures flooded into the remains of the building, trying to capture Dan. He plunged the axe into the zombie's flesh. They disintegrated into the air  whenever the axe penetrated their bodies, but more kept appearing. Suddenly it stopped and Dan plunged into darkness.

When Dan awoke he was greeted by the two creepy dudes from before "Interesting results" the one said, smiling sinisterly. "Yes" the other one agreed "Although I would've guessed that he wouldn't have killed the zombies." Dan realized that they thought he was asleep, so he continued to eavesdrop while trying to stay as still as possible. 

All of a sudden the cell door burst open and in stepped the king. Jesse and Rick dived past the king. They escaped the room, turned and pushed the king inside. They then slammed the door and sprinted away. "Do you actually know where you're going?" Rick asked, trying his best to keep up. "Yeah, just follow me" Jesse replied, before turning left and sprinting down a hallway. He turned left again, and ran into a room labelled "Armoury". "Go, pick your weapons" Jesse said, playing with a Kiparis. "Any weapon?" Rick asked, eyeing up an AK47 extended mag. Jesse nodded, still playing with the gun, trying to get the red dot feature to work. "Right, I'm ready" Rick said, waiting on Jesse to lead him to the exit of the castle. "Alright, lets go then" Jesse replied, jogging out of the door.

"I know your awake" the creepy dude said, smiling. Dan awoke and as soon as he did he slapped the man. While he was recovering Dan leaped off the chair and sprinted towards the door. He threw it open and sprinted out into the woods. He didn't stop sprinting until he was certain they couldn't find him. He slowed down, and started panting. He looked around, but he could see nothing, only grass and leaves. He knew that was a bad sign, but he decided to stay in the forest so he wouldn't get caught. He ventured deeper into the forest, looking for food and any signs of Rick.

Meanwhile, Rick and Jesse were sneaking around the city, looking for the bunker. Once they found it Jesse knocked on the door. They waited for a bit, before the door swung open. Out stepped a tall, muscular boy with short-cut blonde hair. "Jesse, who's the dude and why the guns?" He asked while letting them inside. "It's a long story Pablo, I'll explain once you let us in" Jesse replied, playing with the butt of his gun.

The room inside was dark but spacious, like a cave. In the centre there were ten upturned crates sat around a small fire. On each of the crates sat a boy, all muscular and playing with their guns. As soon as the door shut they all looked up, and pointed their guns at Rick. "Guys, calm down, it's a friend of Jesse's" Pablo said, holding up his hands. He walked over into the corner and threw a crate across the room, towards Rick. "Go, sit. Me and Jess will stand, won't we" Jesse nodded and leant up against the wall. "So," one of the boys said "How'd you meet this 'un" asking Jesse. "Well," Jesse began. As he went through the story, people started viewing Rick as a weakling. "We need to kill this guy off if we want any chance of escaping this dump." One of the boys whispered to the other one. The other one nodded in agreement. "So, you came here for something and now you want to escape?" Pablo asked Rick. Rick was caught by suprise, but he nodded in answer. A couple of the boys shook their heads in pity. "We'll keep him for a bit, but if he fails to step up my gun will take care of him" the one whispered while the others agreed. "So, where's this portal thing?" he asked. Rick felt like there was a million tiny eyes staring right into his soul. "It's probably about 2 miles west" he answered, pointing west just in case they didn't know their points of a compass. "Come on then, let's go. Oh, and if we find it we get to come with you." Pablo instructed. They all burst out of the door. Pablo lead, with Jesse just behind him, and Rick and the others following.

All of a sudden Dan felt  his body temperature drop dramatically. A shiver creeped up his spine but he kept moving. I'll just keep moving until  I find shelter Dan told himself. He tried his hardest to keep on moving, but in the end sleep won the battle. He passed out onto the cold, hard ground. He felt someone watching him so he awoke with a start. he desperately searched around him, but he spotted nothing so he lay back down and tried to get back to sleep.

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