Bird Cult

23 1 3

Umm.. So yeah. There's this thing we made up at school called the Bird Cult and I'm in it. There's this dance we do where you like spread your arms out and do crouches. There's also a song we sing while we dance and it goes like this: "This is a cult. This is a cult. This is a cult for small children." Honestly it's kinda funny because half the time i'm just beating up Luke so yeah.. anyway another thing we do is we do this thing where we "summon the bread gods" by rocking left and right on our backs like a turtle or something. We also have nicknames or something. My nickname is duck. Luke's nickname was bird i think. Eli's nickname was stick. And probably the weirdest one yet, Madelyn had the nickname: IDontKnowAnyBirdNames. Yeah... Anyway we also did this this where we run around the playground like Naruto. It was weird. Also we had to vote someone off every week, but they got to come back later. So we all voted off Luke. Honestly I kinda want him to come back so I can tackle him again lol. Anyway c'ya guys later!! BYYEE!!! :DD

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