Melissa's Punishment

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Rebecca’s memories faded in all but an instant. Images and phantom sensations of merciless tickle treatments began to plague her mind. Her breath steadied. Her eyes fluttered awake from a deep, exhaustion-induced sleep. A raging storm swirled within her head. A harsh pounding echoed against the doors of her mind. The dreams subsided, but the nightmares continued.

She found herself laying down flat, enveloped by an inescapable darkness, one could never hope to navigate. Her temples wrenched. She tried to lift her hands up to rub her eyes, but found them to be tightly secured down. Rebecca tugged and pulled, but her arms were firmly bound by her sides. Rebecca’s first instinct was to look down toward the anomaly, but it was only when she tried to did she learn her head, too, was strapped down. A thick leather belt firmly secured her forehead down to the surface beneath her. The girl made an attempt to move any part of her body with little luck. Her legs were strapped down at the calves, knees, and thighs. A belt held her waist in place, with another tied just below her breasts, each encompassing both of her arms to her sides. Another dense strap of crucial, medical quality pinned down her shoulders.

The only parts of her body she could move with any confidence were both of her feet. It was only when she recognized their isolated mobility did a new sensation overcome the frightened girl. Thick wool socks had been slipped over her tiny, young feet, yet a distinct phenomenon plagued her more and more so from the moment she realized the issue. Her feet itched with thousands of tiny bugs crawling beneath her skin. All across the tops, up and down her soles, and against and all in between her toes, insane itches coursed through the hypersensitive nerves. She tried to scratch one foot with the other, but neither reached.

“Heheehehehehahahahahahhelp! Hahahahahahahahahah!! Oh gaahahahahaddd, someone help me!” The girl cried out. She whined through the tickly itching. Through the drilling of her nerves, she felt a lingering warmth course over her socks. Two steady streams of warm air toasted her socked soles and aggravated the tickles more and more so with each passing second. She screamed for help before eventually screaming with laughter. “Hahahahahahahahahahahaeeelp! Pllleeeehhehehehehahahahahahssseee, somebody help! It ticklesssshahahahahahahahahah!!!” The girl cried out. The girl was left to suffer pained, heaving breaths of her own dismay for several minutes before she heard a rustling coming from just outside of the darkness. Her eyes squinted and tried to avoid the thrash of light that briefly blinded her. Upon her vision adjusting, she looked up to see a woman staring down at her from inside a lidded box.

“Good morning, honey,” the woman said in a calm, soothing voice. “Well, technically it’s still the middle of the night, but morning will come for you soon enough.” The girl’s confusion was only broken by her bleating cries of ticklish laughter. There was no way to position her feet to where the itches did not deliver a maddening sensation to the most sensitive nerves in her body.

“Whaahahahahahahaha? Whhhhhahahahahahaoo?” The woman placed a hand on the girl’s lips.

“Hush now, sweet Melissa,” the woman said with a smile, “There is nothing to be afraid of. My name is… well, you can call me Mommy. Sound good?” Mommy’s skin was pure and doll-like. She wore an innocent smile, her hair beautifully styled. Mommy wore outfits far more elegant in which Melissa had seen any of the other nurses. She was an older woman, an appropriate age for the man of the estate. A modeled trophy wife for the doctor, the frightened girl assumed, yet more pressing questions plagued her mind.

“Pleehehehehehaaaassseeee!! Hahahahahahahahah ssstttahahahahahapppp!” Melissa pleaded. Her begging was whining with less ticklish anguish and more exhaustion from her regular tickle treatments. Mommy reached into the box to brush a strand of the girl’s hair to the side. Her nails were long and well maintained. She reached behind the girl and produced an oxygen mask. Mommy, smiling with the utmost hospitality, placed the mask over the girl’s face and locked it into place. Melissa’s laughter was muffled from the plastic mask, yet seemed to be leaking to another area in the room.

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