You have a lovely home, Mr. Winchester

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Dean Winchester was puzzled by the sight that met him when his father’s car rolled into the driveway in front of their new home. A short glance in Sam's direction told him that his little brother felt the same way. He was practically glued to the window of the car. Usually, they lived in apartments. On a rare occasion maybe a small house. They could never really effort a nice house. Therefore, Dean almost wondered if they had come to the wrong place when he looked up at the building in front of them. Either that or this place was haunted.

It wasn't unusually big, but the Winchesters weren't used to houses of this size regardless. It was a plain, red brick building, with large windows. When Dean stuck out his neck, he could even see the beginning of a lawn at the corner of the house. Behind it, there was a forest with tall trees full of green leaves.

"Dibs on picking a bedroom", Dean shouted as he threw himself out of the car and started sprinting towards his new home. 

"No way! You always get to pick your bedroom first", Sam replied, chasing after his older brother. He should know it was in vain. Dean had always been faster than him, and now he even had a head start.

"That's because I always call dibs", Dean called back, and stuck his tongue out at him.

"Enough, both of you!" They heard someone roar behind them. Dean stopped dead, and turned around to see his dad climb out of the car with an angry look on his face.  "You get to pick your bedrooms once you have helped me carry all our bags inside."

Out of the corner of his eye, Dean could see Sam press his lips together. He caught his gaze, and shook his head lightly. Sam set his jaw, but didn't protest.

"Yes sir", the boys muttered, slowly walking back to the car to carry their bags out of the trunk.

John Winchester was a strict man, and Dean couldn't remember ever having disobeyed him.


Dean stood in the middle of the basement, admiring his new bedroom. He and Sam had run through the whole house, trying to find the best room. After a while, Dean had finally spotted a staircase that turned out to lead down to a basement neither he nor Sam had known about. After a quick, but heated, argument with Sam and his dad, he could finally claim the basement as his own.

The basement consisted of three rooms: a large one, which Dean intended to use as a living room. A smaller, which would become his bedroom. Lastly, there was a middle-sized bathroom. His own bathroom. Finally.

In the largest room, there were a couple of windows, right beneath the ceiling, leading to the front of the house. After a quick test, Dean found out that they were also big enough for him to crawl out of. He doubted his dad would even notice if he snuck out of them. For instance in the middle of the night.

"Dean! Dinner's ready!" John called from somewhere upstairs, presumably the kitchen.

"Coming!" Dean replied. He glanced around the room one last time and smiled to himself. This was the first time he had ever gotten a room for himself. As a result of always renting small houses, Dean had always had to share a room with Sam. There existed worse roommates, but Dean was nevertheless thrilled to finally get a room, or three, all to himself.

When Dean finally went upstairs, both John and Sam sat already at the kitchen table. The latter scowling.

"Why did Dean get the basement?" He muttered, angrily stabbing his food with his fork.

Dean pulled out a chair and sat down next to his brother. He leaned forwards and looked down into the pan placed at the middle of the table. Ugh, fish. John Winchester was a pretty bad cook, and dishes involving fish was not one of his specialties. Dean scooped some over at his plate. He would just have to find something more to eat from the fridge, once John left the kitchen.

"One: Because I found it. And two: Because I'm older than you", Dean replied, feeling really grown up. He did feel a little sorry for Sam, but there was still no way he was going to give up the basement.

Sam sighed, but didn't bother complaining anymore. To cheer his little brother up, Dean leaned towards him and ruffled his hair.

"Stop it", Sam said, trying to pull Dean's arms away, but a smile was already growing on his lips. Dean halfway expected John to ask him to stop and show some manners, but that never happened. John just sat and watched his two sons with amusement.

Sam finally managed to stop the attack on his already messy hair, and went back to eating. 

Dean couldn't help but smile watching him. His little brother who was sitting beside him in a jumper that was excessively big for him. His brown hair was getting long, but both John and Dean failed at convincing the youngest Winchester to get it cut.

"Will you take the Impala to work tomorrow, or is it free for me to use to school?" Dean asked John, finishing his food.

"I'll take the bus, so you're welcome to use it", John replied. Dean brightened up. He loved his dad's car. Lately John had begun taking the bus to get to work, which Dean was over the moon for.

"Remember to let Sam ride with you this time", John continued pointing at him with his fork. "I don't want him wandering off to school in a town he has never been in before. Again."

"Fine", Dean replied and rolled his eyes. He stood up and put his dishes in the dishwasher.

Sam had found the school eventually the last time, he thought. I don't get what all the fuss is about.

On his way out the door, his father's voice stopped him. "And remember: if you give that car even a tiny scratch, you're dead."

Again, Dean just couldn't help but smile. "Of course", he assured his dad before he turned around and walked out the door. As if he would ever let anything happen to that car.

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