Chapter 39

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Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have an amazing time with family, and eat a lot of turkey. I am so thankful for everyone who reads this story and I really hope that you all have the most amazing Thanksgiving ever. Always, 

Warning: There is French in this chapter, and because I don't speak French, I used google translate. There is no guarantee that it's all correct so please don't be upset/ offended. 

To say Hope was surprised when she saw her adoptive parents sitting at the Hufflepuff table the next morning, was an understatement. Juliane was sitting with a plate of food in front of her, with Rebel in his carrier in front of her while most of the female population cooed at the baby, surrounding both Juliane and Rebel like a swarm of bees. There were only a few Slytherin girls sitting at their table, scowling at the others. Hope was delighted to see her other brother and her parents sitting at the table and she raced forwards to the three, throwing herself at Juliane and Bill with a large grin spread across her face. 

"What are you guys doing here!?" She exclaimed happily after hugs were exchanged between the three. 

"Well someone I knew from when I was younger came back from the dead and he's going to school here, so naturally I had to kick his ass for leaving me for so long and making me worry," Juliane said casually. "And I totally did." 

"We are going to be leaving soon though Hope, we need to get back home and I have to get to work. I was lucky that they let me be late." Bill said. Hope visibly deflated, and Juliane slapped Bill on the chest. 

"Honestly William." She sighed. 

"What did I do?" Bill asked, looking confused. 

"It's alright Jules. I just don't want to see you guys go. I haven't seen you in months!" Hope exclaimed. Juliane's lips twitched into a small smile. 

"Well, Christmas is coming up soon, and we're all going to be at Grimmauld place for the holidays. Speaking of which what would you like for Christmas?" 

"Oh, I dunno. You don't have to get me anything, Jules. Just being my parents is gift enough." Hope answered grabbing a plate and piling food on it. Juliane grinned to herself. It felt amazing to hear Hope say her and Bill were her parents. 

"Hope, we adopted you, we're legally your guardians. I would feel horrible if I didn't get you anything." Juliane spoke, just as Rebel started to cry. The girls around him automatically started trying to make the boy laugh, but he wasn't having it. "Bill, darling, can you pass me, my son?" Juliane asked. 

"Of course dear," Bill answered, grabbing the screaming child out of his carrier and handing him to Juliane. "Here." 

"Can you shut that thing up!" One of the seventh year Slytherin girls yelled across the great hall, disgust showed in her tone.

"Why don't you shut up!" Juliane yelled back before turning back to Rebel. "It's okay baby. You're okay." She rocked him slightly as Bill prepared a bottle and handed it to Juliane. "Thanks, Bill." 

"Anytime little Anne." Bill said with a small smirk. "But we really do need to get going soon." 

"I know, I know. Let me just finish with Rebel and then we can go home, okay?" Bill smiled, wrapping an arm around Juliane's shoulders, and pulling her to him. 

"Okay." He said. Rebel finished his bottle, and the two began to pack up. Hope and Juliane had a conversation about school, but they were all interrupted by a small, 

"Hem hem." From behind them. Juliane rolled her eyes and continued her conversation with Hope as if nobody had said anything. "Hem hem." The person cleared their throat again. Juliane turned around. 

"Can I help you?" She asked. The person standing before her took on the appearance of a toad wearing a hideous pink dress. 

"You don't look like a student." The woman said a smile that was clearly fake, upon her lips. 

"That's because I'm not. I came here on business, and now I'm staying for breakfast to see my daughter." Juliane said. "I would appreciate it though if you didn't speak to me because my time here is very limited." 

"You are not allowed to be in the school unless you are a student or a professor, and you are neither, so I must ask that you leave." Dolores Umbridge smiled a sickly sweet smile. 

"And I don't care. I came here to see someone who I thought was dead, and then stayed for breakfast. I'm not causing any trouble, and frankly, you don't have the authority to kick me out because you are merely a teacher, not the headmaster." Juliane shot back, keeping her face calm and impassive even though she was boiling in anger. 

"You did cause trouble by yelling at a student, which is not something you can do at Hogwarts." 

"That student called my child a thing!" Juliane exclaimed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to leave before I do something that I'll regret. C'mon Bill." And with that, they finished gathering their things and went to leave. "Be sure to write us." Juliane whispered to Hope as they all gathered for a hug. 

"I will." Hope promised as Bill and Juliane pulled away, and walked out of the great hall. As soon as the doors were closed Juliane let out a small growl. 

"That toad! She didn't even have the right to talk to us! I can't believe she would attempt to kick us out of the school like she was the headmaster! Je ne peux pas croire qu'elle essayerait même de Faire ça! Le crapaud Elle ne peut contrôler quiconque n'est pas son élève. Si jamais Elle vient près de nous, je la frapperai Avec des éclairs. Je me fiche de ce que papa dit. Elle le mérite..." Juliane went off in rapid French as they walked and Bill just let her. There was no point in trying to stop Juliane as she muttered to herself, even if he couldn't understand. He knew that she was angry at Umbridge for trying to shorten her time with Hope, and the woman succeeded, making Juliane storm out of the great hall, but not after saying goodbye to Hope. 

The students of the great hall stood in shock as they witnessed the woman who was so kind to them all, allowing them near her son without a fight, helping the first years who were around her that morning, storm away because of their new professor. None of the students really liked Dolores Umbridge as she didn't make the best impression on the first evening back at the school. She interrupted Dumbledore's big speech and spoke to the students about how they would all be great friends, but it was extremely clear that she wasn't being serious, and would be extremely strict with the students. None of them were looking forward to defense against the dark arts that year. After all of the professors, they had previous years, minus Remus Lupin, their only good professor, many of the students were wary of their new professor, as she already had a bad impact on them. There were various bets placed on Professor Umbridge, and how horrid she would really be. 

Juliane walked out of the fire, after flooing back home and went to the kitchen to begin writing a lengthy letter to Sirius. The two had been communicating, mostly about how they were worried about the Potters, but also getting to know each other more. They were siblings after all, and Juliane did wish to learn more about her heritage and how the Black family came to be. Juliane dipped her quill in an ink pot and began to write. 

'Dear Padfoot,
 You will not believe the day I've had...

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