Chapter 28

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Diagon alley was as busy as ever when the family arrived to the small town. Sirius was in dog form, as he still was supposedly on the run. Juliane was talking in ancient Greek, telling the teens all about the history of the town. Annabeth looked amazed when they walked up to Gringotts, falling in love the the architecture of the bank. Bill, who looked more happy now that he had made up with Juliane, even though their fight only lasted for a few hours, and was staring lovingly at her, while Juliane showed the group around, speaking to Annabeth more so then the others. Nico was looking around, bored, while Will was pulling him from place to place, clutching his boyfriend's hand as he looked around in a mixture of excitement and awe. 

"Ice cream. Let's go get ice cream!" Percy exclaimed suddenly. From the look that the other demigod's gave him, Bill could tell that sugar wasn't the best idea. 

"Seaweed brain, you know the effect of ice cream on us." Annabeth said, shooting Percy a disproving look. 

"Oh come on wise girl." Percy said, rolling his eyes. "Let us have some fun!" Juliane watched the two with an amused look on her face. 

"That was us a few years ago." She whispered to Bill. He grinned, taking Rebel out of his carrier. Juliane smile fondly at the two. 

"Now look at us. A kid." Bill said, staring down at Rebel, who was looking around with wide eyes, and an open mouth, in awe at the town. Bill let out a chuckle at the sight. He was still in slight disbelief. Rebel was his son. His. Son. Bill had always wanted a child, but wanted to wait until he got married. Now, he was so happy. Bill was a father now. As much as it was surprising, he probably looked like the happiest man alive. And he was. Bill had a wonderful, beautiful, strong, girlfriend, and an amazing son. His life was finally getting together. 

"Bill? You okay?" Juliane asked, looking over at him.

"Yeah. Perfect actually." Bill smiled. 

"Alright." Juliane gave him an odd look, before going back to her conversation with the Demigods. 

"Juliane, what's that?!" Will asked, looking at the pet shop. 

"That's the pet shop Will. Do you want to go check it out?" Juliane answered. 

"Um... Yes! Let's go! Come on Nico!" Will said, pulling Nico into the shop. 

"Will. Will. It's time to calm down." Nico tried, but to no avail. It seemed as if the boy was on a mission. And his mission was to pet all of the animals in the pet shop. The door banged open, and Will gasped at all of the cadges everywhere. There were things from owls, to cats, and even some bats. Nico cringed at the loud noises that the animals were making. The rest of the demigods filed in, and Percy paled at the sight of all the owls. Him and birds had never had a good experience. 

"Oh! Percy, look at this turtle. It's shell changes to jewels and back!" Annabeth motioned for Percy to look. Juliane was looking at cats with Bill, petting a small, white kitten with black on it's head. Jason, and Piper were petting some owls in the corner, and Thalia had found an electric eel, that was swimming around with bolts of lightning crackling around it. For some reason, Thalia found the creature hilarious, and when she brought Jason over to look at it, he burst out laughing. 

"Percy! Percy! Look at this!" He laughed. Percy walked over and his eyes widened. 

"What have you done!" He whispered harshly at the two. 

"I swear it wasn't us. We found it this way." Thalia said, putting up her hands. They continued to bicker, until Annabeth pulled Percy away, and Piper told Jason that if he didn't stop trying to get electrocuted, she was breaking up with him. 

Will walked over to a basket full of fluffy puffball type things, and 'awwed' at the sight. "Nico! Look at how cute these are!" He exclaimed. They were actually little black kittens, with fangs and wings. Nico walked to Will with a blank expression on his face and his eyes lit up at the sight of the kittens. 

"They are... Small." He said softly, moving forwards. One jumped up onto his shoulder, and settled there. 

"Aww Nico. It's so adorable." Will whispered. 

"It's not Will."

"Can we please buy her?" 

"No." Nico refused, keeping a straight face on. 



Ten minuets later, Nico and Will stood outside of the shop, holding a basket, and a litter box in their hands. "I cannot believe I let you get that cat!" 

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