Chapter 33

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Not gonna lie, I nearly started crying while writing this chapter. I was really feeling Bill's panic too. I am also in study hall right now, and writing this in the Library, so I got a few weird looks from my fellow students. It was really embarrassing actually. Also, I know there isn't a lot of dialogue in this chapter, but it's important that I have this chapter, so the next chapter makes more sense. 

The house of twelve Grimmauld place was completely silent. Everyone was sleeping, even the dragon in the backyard was curled into a tight ball, her tail wrapping around her entire body. In the upstairs room, the family was sound asleep in their beds. Hope Potter was sleeping soundly, curled up in her boyfriend's arms. Harmony and Harry's nightmare's had seemingly stopped, and they were both fast asleep, not even dreaming. They both seemed content. The demigods were all sprawled out in their beds. Even Thalia was asleep, taking a break from guarding her friends. She cared about the others more than they knew, and even though she would never tell them, Thalia loved the group like her siblings. Now, she had a peaceful look on her face, a contrast from the hard look, and thinned lipped smiles she usually wore. 

         The peace in the house was suddenly disrupted though, as an ear splitting scream rang through the entire house, startling Bill, who was fast asleep. He shot up in his bed, recognizing the screams of Juliane. They were the ones that haunted his nightmares. After Juliane was placed in a coma, Bill would wake up in the middle of the night, hearing her screams echoing in his ears, waking him up every single night until Juliane woke up. Then,  it was Juliane that was screaming. Her nightmares brought her worst fears to light, as she told Bill. There were so many nights where Juliane would wake up, crying and screaming after her father escaped Azkaban. After a few months, they stopped. It seemed they were coming back again, as the relentless screams that were echoing through the home, were coming from Juliane. She was thrashing around in her bed, tears were streaming down her cheeks as she screamed louder and louder. 

"No! No! Please just leave me alone!" She yelled, fear coating her voice, the sheets were knotted in her fists as she thrashed around in her bed. The sound of pairs of a dozen feet thundering down the hallway, alerted Bill that they were not alone in the house. This seemed to wake up Rebel, who began wailing in his crib. The door swung open with a bang, and there stood the family, wands out and raised, even the underage students, though they had been pushed to the back. 

"What's happening?" Thalia asked, looking at Juliane with a pained look in her clear, blue eyes. One hand was in her pocket, clearly clutching her dagger, just in case. 

"She's having a nightmare." Bill muttered, shaking Juliane slightly. She wouldn't wake. He shook her harder, but nothing helped. 

'It's just a dream. Just a dream.' Juliane said to herself. She was standing in the middle of her childhood home. It looked exactly as she remembered it. The walls were a muddy brown, they were repainted after her mother died. There was a cabinet that was full of her father's liqueur, the bottles were gleaming menacingly at her in the dim lighting of the shack. The dust swirled almost magically around her, the little specs catching in the small amount of light that was in the room. Juliane's eyes brimmed with tears at the memories that flooded her mind, all of the times that her father hurt her. All the times he punched her, or attempted to kill her. The house that used to be joyful, now held so many painful memories. Juliane almost self-consciously reached up to grip her neck in her thin hand, the worst reminder of them all. It was when Juliane saw her reflection in the mirror, she let out a startled scream. 

Bill had tears in his eyes, as his chest tightened in panic. Juliane was alive, but she wouldn't wake up. It was like she was stuck in her dream, not allowed to wake up. She still looked tortured but the screaming stopped. Now she was muttering inaudible things in her sleep. Words like 'Don't, Bill, and stop' were the only things that Bill could hear. 

"Please Little Anne. Just wake up for me."

Juliane examined her reflection in the glass of the liqueur cabinet, pulling at the skin under her eyes. She was a child again, just around the age of seven. She had a white nightgown on, and her bare feet padded silently against the floor, scar free. It hadn't happened yet. Juliane realized. Her skin was pale, almost glowing in the darkened home. 

"What's going on?" She asked. Her voice was the exact same as it was when she was a child, but now it sounded thicker, more dream-like, and echoed slightly around her. That gave Juliane little comfort though, knowing it wasn't real. It sure felt as if she were at her old home. There was still the aura of fear that seemed to be captured in the house, hiding somewhere within the dust. Juliane turned around slowly, taking in her surroundings. The door was slightly ajar, which was usually a sign that her father was home and getting prepared to beat her. The thought made Juliane shiver. Just the thought of her father, was enough to make her angry, but as it seemed in this dream, she hadn't gotten over the fear, and was trembling slightly in her position, facing the door. If it opened, she hoped that Bill would wake her up before her father could get to her. It was very unlikely though, because she couldn't wake up until the screaming started. There were heavy footsteps coming towards the door. Juliane let out a small sob at the thought of her father coming to her. The door creaked open slowly, a man walking in with a wand in one hand, and a silver dagger in the other. Juliane opened her mouth, and in a small voice said, 

"Hello father." 

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