Chapter 1 - The New Girl

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Hey guys! I'm pretty new to fanfictions and writing in general, but I love a ship called Kevedd so much that I decided to write a fanfiction about it.

Kevedd is a ship in Ed, Edd n Eddy between two characters named Edd and Kevin, and yes they are both males so if you don't like boyxboy romance, I suggest not reading this.

I don't own the character Nat! Nat is property of c2ndy2c1d on tumblr, but the characters Jake, Samuel, Evan, Elise and Jessie are owned by me.

If you guys want to see some Kevedd content, or some of my art, just follow me on either my Ed, Edd n Eddy account which is kevin_the_fuckboi, or my art account Starrykinq. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy and feel free to give me feedback! 

All art and animations on this account belong to me. 


Edd shut the door of his school locker after pulling out his math book, causing a metallic bang. It was Tuesday, September 4th, the day after Labor Day and the beginning of school. Edd was now sixteen and a Junior in Highschool, not much had changed since he and his two friends Ed and Eddy, had their incongruous adventure to Eddy's brother's trailer about three years ago. You would think that after what had happened, Eddy would stop his ridiculous scams and get along with the other inhabitants of the cul-de-sac, but some things just never change. Though, there were some things that had indeed changed; almost everyone had gone through puberty - excluding Edd. Eddy had a bit of some stubble on his chin and jawline, and so did Ed. Rolf had grown a blue mustache, and though his efforts had been in peril, Johnny was trying to grow a mustache of his own. The only thing he had managed to grow so far was just a few measly hairs right above his top lip. But aside from all of the bodily hair most of the male cul-de-sac kids had grown, almost all of their voices had gone a bit deeper, while some of their muscles had become quite toned.

Edd remembered waiting eagerly for his own voice to mature into that of a normal teenage boy's. He was getting tired of getting teased by everyone over his higher more-feminine voice. But alas, all his waiting was in vain; it seemed that he had gotten the shorter end of the stick once again. The only thing he had received during puberty was some armpit hair and an increase in height.

Aside from the males in the cul-de-sac, Edd had also noticed the females go through some pubescent changes of their own. All of them had, of course, gotten taller - but they had also gained some volume in their chest area. Sarah now usually wore her hair up in a ponytail, while Nazz had grown hers out. The Kankers hadn't changed much; Marie and Lee now wore piercings on their faces and ears. Marie had one on her bottom lip, one just above her right nostril, and about four looped earrings on both of her ears. Lee had one on her bottom lip and one large black stud on each of her ears. The only thing that had changed about May was now she usually kept her hair braided.

Edd sighed happily, it was good to be back in school. He knew most kids would be dissatisfied with the prospect of returning to school, but Edd absolutely enjoyed learning. Summer was just a waste of time to him, as he had done nothing but go to science camp and read large books about physics, chemistry, anatomy, biology, mathematics, and much more anyways. With the very little extra time he had, Edd would get dragged into some of Eddy's ludicrous, time wasting scams. The most extra time he would have was usually only a day or two, so he didn't get to see his friends very often.

As Edd made a turn down the hall, someone jumped him from behind, causing an "Oof!" out of him. Edd quickly turned his head to see that Eddy had jumped on him and was leaning on his shoulder with his forearm.

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