Chapter 2 - The Deal

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Here's chapter 2 for you all! I'm not the best when it comes to grammar and punctuation, but I tried my hardest so I hope you all enjoy! ❤️ Ps: I own the art up above. ^^^)


As Kevin walked into his English class, his last period of the day, his face lit up in excitement. Sitting in the middle of the room, within the rows of desks, was the new girl. Her hands were on the table, and she seemed ready to begin the last period. Before a kid with chocolate brown shaggy hair could get the last desk next to the new girl, Kevin beat him to it and sat down just as he was about to take the seat next to her. The kid just glared at Kevin and walked to the back of the classroom to take another open seat. The black haired girl simply ignored the whole occurrence and reached into her backpack to pull out a pen and notebook. Kevin did the same as the bell rang.

A tall, slender, fifty to sixty year old lady with long blonde faded hair walked to the front of the classroom. "Alright class, to begin the day, we're going to begin with a writing exercise. I want you all to write the best thing about your summer, you may begin."

With that, all of the kids in the class started writing in their notebooks. Kevin just lazily scrawled the words "football" in his notebook and set his pencil down while most of the other students were still writing. Kevin was curious about what the new girl might be writing, so he tried to take a small peek at her notebook. The girl noticed Kevin trying to look at her notebook from the corner of her eye and scooted her notebook away. Kevin sat up and ripped a piece of paper from his notebook, causing some of the students to look up from the distracting noise.

Kevin picked up his pencil and wrote the words "Hey, the name's Kevin, but you can call me Kev. What's your name?" He slipped the piece of paper onto her desk as she finished writing.

She looked at him and then the paper with a perplexed look and picked up her pen to write underneath Kevin's message. "Um, you do know writing notes in class is against the rules right?" She handed the piece of paper back to Kevin and he took it eagerly.

His eyes scanned the writing on the paper before he looked up slowly, a look of surprise on his face as he started to turn a bit pink with embarrassment. Kevin was internally slapping his forehead. 'Way to go Kev, that was real smooth, now she thinks you're a trouble making idiot!' Kevin knew it was true, but he didn't want her knowing that. He slumped down in his desk feeling dejected as the teacher went by each desk collecting all of their notebooks. She then walked to her desk and set them down in a stack on top of it, then walked back up to the front of the classroom. "Alright, I have the perfect assignment for you all to start the new year off with!" She clasped her hands together in excitement. "I think it will help you with both your writing skills, and your ability to work as a team!" Most of the class groaned, but the teacher just ignored them and went on to explain the assignment. "I want all of you to choose a partner, and I want you both collaborate on a poem about something that is important to you." She said. "Alright, you may begin choosing your partners, afterwards I want you both to decide on what you would like to write."

This was perfect! It finally gave Kevin the chance to talk to the new girl! Without thinking twice he quickly turned to the black-haired girl. "Hey! Wanna be partners?" He asked eagerly.

The girl turned to him and glared. "What? And end up having to do all the work while you slack off?" She scoffed and spat out the words "No thank you!" and turned to another person next to her with curly, short chocolate hair and glasses.

"Want to be partners?" She asked politely.

The short-haired girl turned and looked at her in surprise, she didn't expect someone of her status to want to be partners with her. "U-um s-sure!" She replied nervously.

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