Chapter 4 - RejectEd Or AcceptEd?

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Here's chapter 4! Sorry this chapter took so long! I've been pretty busy with school and personal matters! X( Hopefully things will go back to normal and I can post chapters more regularly.

Enjoy! ❤️


Kevin was running late, he had accidentally slept through his alarm and now he was riding on his motorcycle to school as fast as the law would allow. He finally rode up to the school's parking lot and parked his motorcycle in one of the empty lots. Kevin then took off his helmet and hopped off his motorcycle just as the school bell rang for students to head to class. Just barely made it on time! He sighed with relief and swung his backpack over his back as he started to jog towards the school entrance across the parking lot.

Jake and his friends were leaning against the school outside near the entrance, like they usually did. They liked to shoot challenging glares and occasionally make fun of the students who walked in. They especially liked to glare at Kevin and his friends, but they never dared to try and make fun of or bully them, but apparently today was different.

"Hey Barr! Better get to class or you'll get in big twouble! Were you late cuz you were too busy making out with one of your fag friend's from the cul-de-sac!? Let me guess, it was one of the Ed's! You always did seem like a faggot!" Jake yelled mockingly, causing his friends to snicker in response.

Kevin stopped dead in his tracks, feeling his face go white. Could they possibly know that he had Double D at his house yesterday?

"You know what? I bet it was Nat, he seems like a fag too and you always hang around with that loser!" This caused even more of his friends to chuckle.

Kevin relaxed and breathed out a sigh of relief, but his relief soon turned to anger. Kevin turned around to face Jake and his friends.

"I'll make this quick since I'm running late, but if you guys don't want your teeth knocked out, I suggest you know your place you second-place dorks!" Kevin snapped.

Jake's arrogant expression soon turned to rage and he stood up to take a step towards Kevin, but he stopped in his tracks to stare at something behind Kevin. Kevin turned around to see that two of his biggest teammates had walked up to them and were now standing behind him on each side.

"This twerp givin' ya trouble Kev?" Asked a large Polynesian guy.

"Nah, he's hardly worth any trouble, I was just about to leave." Said Kevin as he glared at Jake, his eyes daring him to come closer.

"Good, cuz if he is, we'll teach him a lesson for ya." Said a tall, toned guy with a shaved head.

Jake scoffed. "Tch! I'm not afraid of you or your friends!" He spat as he stepped back into his group of friends.

"Figures, he'd be alone and worthless if he wasn't paying all those kids to be his friends." Hissed the kid with the shaved head.

Jake glared angrily and took a step towards the three, motioning for his buddies to do the same, but before any of them could start a fight, the school bell rang.

Kevin was late! Just when he thought he would actually make it on time! Everyone except for Jake and a couple of his friends, suddenly lost interest in what was going on and quickly made their way into the school. Kevin guessed he was probably going to get detention for this as he walked towards his first class. Great! What a perfect thing to start the day off with!


"Hey Sock-Head!" Exclaimed Eddy as he ran up to Edd. "Guess what me and Lumpy have planned for lunch?" Eddy smiled mischievously up at Edd as he walked next to him through the hallway while Ed tagged along.

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