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Today was stressful. Since it's the day before Thanksgiving, it's a half day. At our school, they make us put our phones in cubbies so we don't use them during class, but I have a habit of forgetting mine. I've had to run back to class at least 10 times since school started to retrieve my phone. Today was also the Relay for Life kickoff day. At the end of the day, we were all in the gym, listening to cancer stories, when I realized that I had left my phone in English class. I had to run back and get it before the busses left, because I had an eye appointment right after school. Because of that, I nearly missed the bus leaving. 

After I got back home, I immediately had to go to my appointment. They had to put drops in my eyes to make them dilate, so I can barely read or type. I am even more stressed out because I fell asleep very late last night. I do not function well on less than 5 hours of sleep and I got about 3. There wasn't even any reason why I couldn't sleep. I was tired, I was relaxed everything was fine, but I just couldn't sleep. 

Today hasn't been the worst day, but has been exhausting. 


I just hate myself right now. I don't have a reason. I just feel awful about everything I've done and everything I will do. I hate feeling like this. I just feel worthless and sad. I need to sleep, but I feel like I don't deserve to be happy. I just make everyone in my life feel miserable. I wish I never existed.

Sorry if this is too depressing. You don't hav to read it if you don't want to. Like you need my permission. Anyway, you should totally read this so you can feel bad too.

Have a nice day, everyone.

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