Chapter 11: The Gene

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I apologize to you guys for not being able to keep all of this together but I write offline and when I get a chance I put this and publish online. This time it was being stupid and didn't let me finish my story so I had to make a new chapter and I'm sorry. This just goes and starts from were we left off. Enjoy



I was hoping he didn't see my tears since it was raining. Maybe he couldn't notice it or he barley did.

I just started walking away. "Thanks for the umbrella for a sec bye!"
Then in my surprise he caught my arm and the umbrella stood over my head once more.

"Take it."
I look at were he was holding my wrist and I felt a weird tingle.
"No thanks."

"I insist."

"In that case sure." I take the umbrella he had gave me and I kept on walking but stopped at the sound of his voice.
"Are you new around here? Because a pretty girl like you I would have remembered."
He smirked and for some reason so did I.

He starts walking up to me and eventually made his way to my side.
"I am. Are you?" I asked him.

"No but I am a new student at Hilton high."

"I go there!" I said excitedly.
"I guess I'll see ya around then huh." He gave me a sexy grin and started walking off in the street to cross.

Then a car didn't stop. I then did what I didn't know I could do, I stopped it from hitting him. I waved my hands towards Aron and he flew back and landed on his butt on the sidewalk. I then stopped doing what I was doing and noticed the car passing.

Aron with shocked eyes comes up to me and asked me if I was ok.
I then nodded and said "but I'm not sure who I am anymore.'' I start crying and he pulls me in for a hug.


The next day I woke up feeling almost empty. I was thinking about the car and how I moved Aron away with just my hands from 40 feet away. I then started my day with putting my makeup on and wearing my P¡nk shirt.

I then walked to school and found Aron doing the same. I didn't look up because I felt as if I was a evil he couldn't figure out. "Are you ok?"

"Stop asking me that!" I snapped at him on accident and felt bad. "I'm sorry."

"Its fine your just confused and stressed."

"How do you know?!"

"Because I felt it. Because I know how it feels."
We both stopped walking and I stared at him with a question mark.

"I'm a witch also."

I guess he did know it was me who blew him away from the car.

"Your a witch, I can feel your magic and plus I saw you use one of the elements on me."


"You have a lot to learn don't you." He was so close to me I thought we might kiss. "Let's go to school. But maybe we can hang after and I can teach you stuff."

"That sounds great."

We both walk to school and find that the bell doesn't ring for another 10 minutes. I for one am surprised I was early for once. Man time flies fast.

First Full Moon~#1✔[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now