Chapter 21: Lies

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Its funny how things can change in an instant. My life changed in just matters of hours, and now I'm different.
I hurt people and the people I love especially Venus.

I remember saying I would never hurt anyone I love like my family, including Venus. But I guess I lied.
I saw the look in her eyes when she saw me kill him and her. It it was horrible. It was fear.
I didn't know what I was capable of until it all happened.

Few hours earlier...

"Seth that was a Vampire. Do you know them? Are you friends with their kind?!" My father yelled at the top of his lungs at me while I stood there in front of him.

''No father!'' He stared at me surprised I defended myself. "I am not ok! Now I am alpha and a leader to these people. If that vampire comes back on our territory again..I'll kill him myself."

He smiled at me and nodded. "Agreed."
I still always hated how he had to get mad at the stupidest things and ticked off by the second I started talking.

"You can leave." He said and gestured his hand towards the doorway out.
I left the tent and my father.
I then ran into Hayley.
She said smiling at me.

"Well if it isn't the one woman who loved me and broke my heart. You must have came to see me."

"Oh come here." She said while giving me a huge hug.
I returned it by kissing her cheek.

She pulls away and faces me. "Your in awful good mood today. I'm so happy you are OK."

I grin and hold her hand. "Look at you being all cute."

She blushes at me and I put my arm around her walking to the gas station.
Her olive skin tone reflecting off of the sun. "So tell me, should I call you alpha now?"

"No. Call meeee....oh I know! Big bad wolf.''
She giggles at me and I smile. "I'm serious Seth."

"So am I." I said and she rolls her eyes at me. "What?" I shrug my shoulders at her and open the door for her as we enter the gas station.

"Oh yeah I just remebered! Us werewolf's are having a-" then I was out in space somewhere after that.
I had a wired dream or something.

I tried snapping out of it but I just couldn't.
"Don't leave me please!!!"

I then started to see images of myself, I looked like I was about to die any second.

"Don't hurt her!"

"Seth? Seth!" It was Hayley that snaped me out of the wired dream of whatever you'd call that I just had.

"Yeah?" I was feeling dizzy and a bit shaky. I then noticed we were at her house. How did we get here so fast?

She and I both sat on the loveseat together and she was on my lap.
"What time is it?"

"8 o'clock why?"

"Seriously, I'm not joking what time is it."

"I'm not joking Seth.'' I thought hard for a long period of time and sat up. "How long do you think you been out?"

"A few seconds I don't know maybe a minute."

"Seth you been sleeping for about 3 hours."
She looked away worried as I was. But inside, I was frightened.

What's going on?!


I started pacing back and forth around Hayley's living room. "Seth what is the last thing you remember?"

"I-I-I remember talking to you and then all the sudden I had the same dream again. Me and this girl I feel like I have known forever were in trouble. I was dying. She was upset and she cared for me, I saved her life I think."

I look at Hayley and watch her face go pale. "Seth."


"That doesn't sound like a dream, that sounds like visions."
My eyes widened in horror. What does this mean for me?

"Do you know who's trying to kill you?"

''No." I said, "everything is all a blur, it's like I can't see their faces but the are people I know."

"Then let's figure this out."

"Whoa whoa, whoa. I don't think so.''
She stands up and slaps me. "What was that for?!"

"Your not listening to me or nor will you."
She raises a brown eyebrow up at me and I huff out a sigh.

"Your not the boss of me princess, I'm the boss of you."
I said as I whispered in her ear.
I then went back to facing her and she gave me a look.

"You may be alpha but you sure as heck are not the boss of me!"
She had both of her arms crossed.

''You sure about that? I think your a bit crazy for my type anyways."

"You just made me miss the old Seth."
She then walked out her front door and I stood there frozen.

I then decided to leave and go back to camp. I walked back and found Venus with Eli captured. My father in the middle of the huge circle of my people. Two guards holding them down as they kneeled.

They were tied up and I was surprised Eli was this stupid.
"What's this?''
I asked looking around.

"You do the honor of killing them. I'm going to be in my office." Said my father and then walked off.

I was looking at a vervained Eli and a upset and tied up Venus.
"Kill them. Both of them."
I said and all my people took them both down to the cellar and locked the doors so the killing will begin.


Well what did you call think?

Lol can't wait to hear from you all.


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