Chapter 50: Tears Dry Hard

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Then that was it. My stomach was unable to handle the raw meat smell, look, everything.

When Seth touched me and turned me to face his food that was it for me.
I vomited on his shoes, they looked like expensive Addidas too.

I wipe my mouth and I thought he was gonna scream and yell at me. But all he did was help me pulling my hair back.

I finished and looked up at him with vomit breath. "Sorry."

I said, "Those looked like nice shoes, I will replace them."

He didn't laugh.

He made his lips a line and took his shoes off. He threw them away and leaned on the counter next to me.

''What?" I asked as I began feeling a bit better.

"How far long are you?"
I was confused.

"Excuse me?"
He had both his hands in his pockets, but I could still tell he was making a fist.

"I said how far long are you? As in how long have you been pregnant?"

Was he joking?

"Look I am not pregnant. Yes I gained a few pounds but that was-"
I then frowned and looked at him with worry.


"What day is it?"
I asked as my body stood still and my hands shook like crazy.

"November 1st why? It's a few days before your birthday. Surprised you forgot."
I became worried and knew what this was. Reality. I wasn't dreaming, nor was I hallucinating.

This was happening.

I am pregnant.

"I'm late. My periods late."

He didn't look happy any longer. "How late?"
His tone was firm and serious.

"2 months."
I ran my hand through my hair.

"Don't freak out and it doesn't mean anything like- you did take the morning after pill correct?"

"No... Me and Aron didn't use anything."

He scoffed and then threw the kitchen chairs against the walks and left huge holes. "Dang it DANG IT!"

"Calm down!"

"Venus how stupid are you? I guess the answer to that question is super stupid since your with him! Now you ruined yourself!"

"Leave me alone! Your not apart of this anyways!"

"Your only 17 Venus! What have you done. What do you think your mother would think?!"

"Don't you ever bring my mom up again!" I shouted so loud the ceiling tiles began to shake and so did the earth. I made an earthquake.

"Whatever! It isn't like Aron is gonna take care of the baby!"

"Knock. It. OFF!" Then the whole roof fell and Seth's good reflexes made him have big marks or scratches.

His eyes grew big and round and he looked at me in surprise.

I then calmed down and burst into tears. ''Aron loves me. Either you like it or not, I love him too. I am happy I am going to have a child with him."

"Then I feel very sorry for you."

I grabbed my keys and glared at him through the tears I had in my eyes.
"Just, leave me alone and don't dare talk to me again!"

I slammed the door on him and left.


I arrived at my hotel room that's become my very own home later on.
I then ran inside and locked my hotel door.

Then brought candles to the floor and spread them out in a circle surrounding me. I lit them one by one chanting.

"Gos ex motos ed vex ex mot oh cos."

Then I realized my spell didn't work. "What the?"
I read the spirit spell right.

Then she appeared. My mother. In a white dress with a flower bouquet on top of her head. She looked like she was young again.

"Hello dear."

"Mom, I need you."

"Yes, I know you do. The heavens is mad at you child. You have created an evil that is not unable to be defeated. You are in the dark."

"What are you talking about? I am anything but in the dark again, mom I'm in love and I have a child on the way."

She stares at me for a long period of time.

"That is the thing child."


She then nods understanding.
"Ah, I see. You don't know do you."

"Know what? Please mom tell me!"

"Your not just carrying any ordinary baby Venus. This baby will be the most powerful supernatural creature in all magic history."

"Go on. What are you not telling me?"

"Your carrying the antichrist."

My stomach clenched and twisted inside. I felt like for the first time in my life that I didn't believe my mother.

"Your lying! Like you have lied about me having a real birth mom and living sister!"

"Angels don't lie Venus. I came to warn you. No matter what you do, or where you go, the evil, demons, the devil will find you. That's a promise."

I stayed silent.

"I must go. I love you child."

She began fading away with a bright light shimmering in my eyes.
''Mom. Mom! MOM COME BACK!"

But it was to late. She was gone, then I felt my stomach hurt.

Then fell to the ground.


So how did you all enjoy this? Tell me what you think in the comment section. Thanks!


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