3: Awkward

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Rowena cannot believe her luck, or lack of it. She watches the scene unfold in front of her, lurking in the shadows, planning what in the fuck to do next. No one notices that she hasn't gone to meet the boyfriend yet, her parents are too busy fawning over him, no doubt he's already exceeding their dreams. Aurora looks so pleased with herself, preening over every compliment thrown their way and showing off her new toy, who really was Rowena's sloppy seconds when you think about it. I guess he has a type. Now she's thinking about it, and ew. Wren's never been a pussy, however, she just might be out of her depth for this one.

She's the only person he's got left to "meet" so her sister takes her by the arm and pulls her forward to Harry. She feels bad, the fact that she's slept with this man before and her sister is so very in love with him. She feels really bad that, she too, can't get Harry out of her mind. With her sister telepathy, she feels Aurora's excitement for them to meet, and Rowena feels so bad. The watchful eyes of her parents and her brother is making her sweat. She also has a sudden bout of anxiety, because what if Harry is dumb enough to out their previous situation to Aurora, in front of everybody. Though Rowena doubts as any competent human being would know that's exactly what not to do.

Rowena sticks her hand out. "Rowena Pierce, Aurora's little sister. Nice to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you."

It's almost comical, in a sick sort of way, when he realizes the situation in front of him. She can tell in his eyes, they blow wide at Rowena and his brows furrow. When he realizes what he's done. He doesn't react any other way, thankfully reigning his shock in for appearance. He tentatively reaches a hand out to shake Wren's outstretched one, his face still warped into his shocked expression. The younger girl seems to fix that by squeezing his hand just a little too hard.

"Uh, hello, I'm Harry Styles, your sister's boyfriend." He introduces himself, for the second time, sounding a bit more choked up than he did the first.

Rowena retracts her hand, giving her award winning smile. "I'm so glad you're here!"

One this about Rowena is that she's a veg good liar. Sometimes it feels more natural to her than telling the truth, she's always been a secretive human being, trusting very few to know her deep down. This trait has come in handy quite a few time, and no doubt will it make this situation easier for everyone to manage. She just hopes she can get over this little crush of her's before her sister gets too invested in her man, for everyone's sake.

Aurora breaks Rowena out of her thoughts, she can't seem to contain herself as she has a round of celebratory claps. "I'm so happy you all got to meet him!"

Her parents  obviously feed straight into her excitement, continuing to throw buckets of praise of the Ivy League couple. Corralling them and Ansel into the kitchen so they can chat to their heart's desires. For a moment Rowena stays in the foyer running her hands through her hair, and giving herself a moment of silence. No doubt will this long weekend murder the brown haired girl. To think she'll probably have to do this for at least a few years to come makes her exhausted just think about it. Secrets really do weigh a lot on a person, especially ones this big. Her time to herself is cut short, however, when her overzealous sister signals for Rowena to join the family catching up in the kitchen. So Wren grins and forces her body into the most natural gate to meet her family gathered around the kitchen island.

"So Harry, you sound foreign." Her mother starts, and Rowena cringes. "Where are you from?"

Harry is polite as ever as he answers the not-so polite question. "Well, I'm originally from England, around the Cheshire area. My parents are divorced and I moved with my mom to upstate New York when I was about eight. The accent has mostly faded, but yeah, I'm a little foreign."

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