4: The Devil

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Rowena straightened herself out before she came down to sit at the dinner table, freshened up, tried to get the dream out of her head. To her disappointment, however, the dream still lingers behind her eyelids and she can almost feel Dream Harry's hands on her hips, on her waist, caressing her face. The echo of his words ring in her eardrums as well. This all makes it terribly hard for her to sit across the dinner table from Real Life Harry. Her face heats up into what she assumes a noticeable blush every time they meet each other's gaze, so Rowena turns her face down to her spaghetti. Unfortunately, Harry has long legs and so does Rowena. This makes it almost unavoidable for the legs to brush every so often under the table, and this makes Rowena want to fizzle into nothing. A, because this makes her extremely embarrassed, and B, because this makes Rowena extremely turned on. There goes the self-hate too. Getting turned on by a leg brush? What is she? A nun? Rowena has gotten a lot more than just a leg brush, it shouldn't take a leg brush for a cute boy to get her all hot and bothered.

My mother breaks me out of my thoughts. "Let's say grace, shall we?"

Rowena snorts, not even god can help her now, but either way she extends her hand to Ansel and her father. As her mother recites the prayer, Rowena focusing on nothing but her inner turmoil. Being able to glance up and see Harry's face, imagining all the dirty things he did to her in her dreams, and in real life, makes her feel horrid. She feels like a back-alley prostitute who spends her time in the district Rowena's not allowed to go to when she looks over and sees Aurora's angelic face. She's the Devil and God cannot help her now.  The brown haired girl keeps to herself as grace ends and dinner begins, moving food around in her plate to keep herself busy as the sounds of supper blend around her. Their legs brush again as Aurora prattles on about how amazing Harry is. Rowena's fork clangs against her plate but gets lost in the sounds of dinner, however, when she looks up she finds that Harry is staring right into her.

'Do you know what I'm thinking?' She wonders, his stare sure feels like it.

Do you know I want you the same way I wanted you that night?

He continues to stare at her for a moment, not at all letting on that her knows her inner confusion, and she stares back. Their eyes lock for a moment of silence before being ripped apart by this conversation.

"Aurora, I'm not sure if your sister said, but I'm not very happy with her." Her mother starts, and the brown haired girl whips her head around.

Tears burn at the back of her throat already as she says "Mom, really? At the dinner table?"

'Not today' she begs, certainty not to God but maybe to the Devil. Is there a Pagan God that deals with this sort of thing? Her mom knows exactly what she's doing as she brings up with sore subject. Embarrassing her in front of her sister, embarrassing her in front of her guests, proving that Rowena is the fuck-up of the family and that Aurora should hear all about it. The beauty glances up to the ceiling, letting the tears drip back into her eyes. Her hormones are too out of wack today to be dealing with this shit. Of course, in response, Aurora only lifts an eyebrow intriguingly. Rowena resists the urge to glare as her sister once again turns her back on her.

"I caught Miss Rowena sneaking out of the house with that—" Her mother paused for a moment, deciding on the perfect word to call Alina. "Promiscuous friend of hers."

Ah, so her mother was being nice tonight. Good.

"I was just going to drive around with her, she couldn't sleep. I told you this." Wren defends herself.

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