2. december

257 13 1

When the little boy woke up, he glanced out of the window where he could still see the dark blue of the night. He turned on the little lamp beside his bed. He got scared easily by darkness. For sure, there were monsters and other scary things hiding under his bed, when the light's turned off. As soon as his room was lightend he rolled out of his bed, hugging his prefered plushie tight, so it won't fall to the ground and get hurt. It was a light brown teddy bear with a red christmas hat. Whenever the little boy looked at him, he felt like being loved by these big black eyes and the wide warm smile. And even if Christmas time was over, Noutou - that was the name of the stuffy - would always stay by his side, since he was kind of the little's boy only camarade.

He trippeled out of his room, feeling exitement raising inside his body, by the thought of opening the second door of his advent calendar already. Remembering his mum always told him to first brush his theeth before breakfast and after it too, he opened the bathroom door and hurried to finish the theethbrushing. The little one headed to the living room, entered and let himself fall down on his knees in front of the advent calender, which looked like Santa's Christmas Factory. He looked at the little drawn figures. There were green and red colored elves who carried around plenty of colorful wrapped christmas presents, the toy machines, the wodden sledge with exactly 12 reindeers - the little counted them all by himself - and one of them had a red glowing nose. Immediately the song was in the boys head and he started singing for himself.

Rudolph the red nose reindeer~

He was disappointed, but just a little bit, when he noticed that Santa Himself wasn't there. Few moments later the little boy did not care about this sad fact anymore when he was about to open the second tiny door. It was always a bit difficult to open it up, but he managed it somehow and a slip of paper fell to the ground, due he hadn't been fast enough to catch it from falling. Carefully he picked it up and a sound of disbelief, pure happiness escaped his throat. The paper was ticket for the zoo! The little boy loved going to the zoo because he loved animals and just observing them satisfied him at least as much as a huge peace of chocolate cake with cream.

With a smile on his lips the little boy sat down on the kitchen table, a bowl with donut shaped cereals in one hand, the ticket in the other one. He put the paper down, next to the other one, which had been in the calendar yesterday. A Starbucks gift card. The day was going to be a perfect one. He finished his breakfast, put the dishes in the sink, brushed his theeth again and dressed himself nice and cute enough for him to feel comfortable. Even though the baggy longsleeve was a bit to thin for the weather outside he chose this one because of its smooth and cosy fabric. He nailed to tie his shoes and put on the warm winter jacket. Finally, he grabbed the cute Mochi backpack which contained everything important like his keys, his purse, some sweets and of course Noutou. The little boy left his flat and quickly ran down the stairs, coughing as the icecold air found its way into his lungs.

No doubt it would have been a better decision to wear a scarf, but actually the little one didn't even have one. Maybe he would remember to get one. But more likely, he would forget. He made it to the underground station, passed through the ticket control and was now standing at the platform for the train. Luckily, there was a direct line to the Zoo. The boy looked at the number of the platform: 2. He stared at it and suddenly started giggling. People turned around to see what was wrong with him, but he didn't waste a single thought on them. Laughter spilled out of him. It was quiet funny, wasn't it? Because see, it was the 2nd December and he would travel with a train departing from platform two. For the little boy it was definitely a reason to laugh. He always did. If there was something he found funny or something he liked, he would always start laughing, confusing the people around him, but the little boy just didn't hold back his emotions.

If there was a smile, there would be laughter. If there was a tear, there would be many tears. If there were warm and cuddly feelings, the world wouldn't be safe from his embrace.

When the train arrived, the little boy interrupted his laughing, feeling slightly uncomfortable because of the unbearable loud noises. When the train finally stopped and the doors opened he entered and sat down on one of the last free seats. He reached into his bag, which he had put on his lap, and checked if the ticket and the gift card were still inside, waiting to be spend. Before closing the zipper again, the little checked Noutou, so he could breath probably and won't get hurt. Looking at the plushies face made the little boy smiling back. He wondered how his bear could be happy, even more often than he was. But basically it was nothing he really cared about. Just sometimes when he got bored his thoughts were growing. They began to be a bit more like big boy thoughts than usually. This just didn't happen that often.

The little boy looked at the persons sitting around him. All of them were different and interesting but they also seemed busy and stressed. Something the little couldn't understand so it scared him somehow, how all of them looked so strict and honest. He liked it better when people were smiling and behaving happy. The boys shy side started to show again and he pulled his backpack in a tight hug and squezzed it as thight as possible to be sure Noutou won't be hurt. The electronic voice announced the next station. Zoo. The little boy got off the train as soon as the doors opened and rushed out of the train station, feeling kind of bad with so many people around him. The streets were crowded too, but still it was a bit better than inside the underground station. He knew how to get to the Zoos entrance so he started walking the last few meters. The cashier looked at his ticket ripped it in two parts and let the boy pass.

He put the ripped ticket in his bag so he could fix it at home later, to stick it inside his Photobook for special memories. And he was sure this would be a wonderful and special day. It had been some months ago since he visited the animals here last time and he hoped he would see his favorites again. He followed the illustrated signs next to the paths. First to the girraffes, than lions, than elephants. The parent elephants even had a baby elephant wich seemed so impossibly cute to the little boy, he spend more than ten minutes just to watch it eating and strolling around. He could also see some hippos, but they were sleeping and the boy got bored soon, so he just kept on walking around and around.

About two and a half hour later he had nearly visited every animal in the Zoo. He had also bought himself a donut. A pink one with rainbow sprinkles on top. The colours remembered him of the vibrant colored fish he had seen before. He had tried to count them but they had been too fast and always swam away before he finished. But there was one last thing he wanted to see. The tigers. He had never seen one before, since they were new here at the zoo. The tiger's home was huge, but it did not take half a minute for the little to find one of them. He was stunned. The black and yellow striped animal was bigger than his height and the muscles moved in an incredible harmony everytime the tiger moved. It was beautiful and fascinating, so the little just observed it for some time.

He looked around to see the other visitors. There were many families, acting happily, taking photos. The parents took care of their children and the children were happy with watching the animals. The little boy felt sad. He didn't want to be alone, but he actually was. He didn't know ho to change that. He turned around a little bit more and his eyes focused on another visitor who also watched the tiger. This boy wasn't exactly taller than him but somehow he seemed totally grown up and frankly. A picture cropped up in the mind of the little: He was sure he knew the other boys face. He just wasn't sure where he had seen him before. The other got off the barriere and took a few steps back, he turned around. The lil boy still stared at him and noticed something falling to the ground. This must be owned by the man. Quikly, the little walked up to the place the man had stood just seconds before and bent down to pick up the thing. It was a peace of paper. The lil one didn't take a closer look, but if he had he would have knewn it was a starbucks gift card.

He followed the man with quick steps but when he turned around another corner, he was suddenly gone. The little boy didn't know what to do next, but he ended up putting the gift card - now he noticed what it was -  to his own inside his purse.

You always meet twice a lifetime, don't you? Well... I'm sure it can happen even more often. Only destiny knows how this will end.

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