22. december

112 8 0

Jimin just sat there. He sat in the middle of Yoongi's living room, surrounded by too many packed boxes. The little boy was confused. Or shook. At least full of disbelief. Why exactly was he here again? Oh yes, because Jaebum said he has to move so Jimin needs to move too or move to Yoongi's. And for some reason he didn't even remeber he agreed. And now, two days later he finally is here. The whole moving houses thing happend a bit too fast for Jimin to understand the huge change it meant for him.

He still couldn't believe he was here. Everything seemed new and incredibly interesting. He scanned the room he sat in. A flat screen on the wall. A black sofa. A white carpet. And the grand piano. The grand piano Yoongi loves more than his own life, probably.

Jimins noticed the small white cupboard next to the TV. He was curious what's inside of it. So he got over to it and opened it up. He was fascinated. Hundreds of  colorful packed vinyls. They were stacked neatly and perfectly organized. Unfortunately Jimin didn't knew. He began to pick up one by one, looking at the beautiful covers. He took the discs out and put them all around him. Not even twenty minutes later, all vinyls laid on the floor or on top of the boxes. The little boy also found a player and now there was this one christmas single playing the whole time again and again. Jimin was happy. There was music, and all around colorful vinyl covers. Perfect.

Until the door opened.

Yoongi was shocked. Completely. All his precious, loved vinyls were unpacked and laid all around the living room. And Jimin stood there, in middle of the chaos and smiled. Yoongi felt pure agression rising inside his body and he was ready to shout at Jimin until he was deaf. Nobody is allowed to touch his vinyls and nobody is allowed to make a mess like this out of it. „You like, Hyung?", Jimin asked innocently and still smiling. Yoongi didn't feel able to answer, because every move would make him spill and beat the hell out of Jimin.

Just then he noticed the music. A Christmas song. He tried to focus on the well known sound to keep himself from freaking out. A familiar voice began to sing along.

„...santa Claus is coming to town..."

It fit perfectly to the sounding music. And out of nowhere all his anger was gone. He felt kind of sad. Why had Jimin made a chaos out of his most favourite vinyls. Seeing this mess hurt him in a strange way. Didn't Jimin know it would make him sad?

„Jimin. Why have you done this?"

„It looks beautiful!"

„It doesn't. It makes me sad Jimin."

The little boy's eyes widened. His mouth stood open. While looking at Jimins so sad face Yoongi felt even worse.

„W-Why? It's beautiful."

Yoongi sighed. „This vinyls mean a lot to me. I prefer them being organized and safe in the cupboard. They can easily get damaged if one isn't careful and you took them out of their covers and layed them everywhere. Which means, I need to listen to every single one to put them back in the right cover."

Jimin looked down to the floor. The music ended. „Is Hyung mad now?"

„Yes. But if you apologize and promise you'll never ever do this again, I won't anymore. Okay?"

Jimin nodded.

„So?", Yoongi asked.

„I'm very sorry Hyung and I promise I won't ever make a mess of your things again.", he sobbed. And Yoongi knew he was right about to cry like he use to do when he does something wrong, he walked over and wrapped his arms around the little boy. „Everythings alright."



„I'll help you listening to them and put them back in right cover."

„Are you sure? it will take hours."

„Maybe.", Jimin giggled and Yoongi smiled. Well, this little boy won't bore him after all.

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