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Hermione's POV
  I look up to meet grey eyes staring back at me. I knew who he was as soon as I saw him. Draco Lucius Malfoy. I couldnt let him know it was me so I decided to think of it as a second chance. "Who are you, what are you doing here...?" I asked him. But I don't think he heard me... he was just staring at me so of course I splashed him with water.
Draco's POV
  I was staring at her and saw her mouth moving but I couldn't hear her. Then I felt water on me and saw the the mermaid was laughing. "BLOODY HELL" and I started laughing as well.
Hermione's POV
  He was laughing, I look at him surprised. I never thought that he had any human ability except being mean. He kept laughing and I realized he wasn't that bad.
Draco's POV
  I laughed UNTILL my stomach hurted. I open my eyes and see her staring at me and I smile at her. She smiles back. I sit down on the rock while she was in the water. We stared at each other and when we finally started talking. I asked her "do you go to hogwarts!" She was in deep thought and finally she answered "yes." I was so confused and I'm guessing she saw my confusion and said "mermaids have the ability to turn their tail to legs but after 9:10 it turns back to a tail." I was so surprised I didn't know this. I asked her what her name was but she wouldn't tell me, I told her mine. We talked all night UNTILL I had to go back so I didn't miss curfew. I think this is is a new friendship, a second chance.
Sorry I haven't been writing... schools portfolios and stuff gets me tight but what ever :)

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