You're My Partner (One-Shot)

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"Where is he?" Fourteen year old Mae Esquivel asked herself.

She pulled her sweater closer to her body as she looked around for her younger brother. A frown made its way to her face.

"Rafael when I get my hands on you..." she muttered in frustration, tucking a lock of her short brown hair behind her ear.

Mae froze. Her large hazel eyes widened as she watched her beloved little brother run for his life as a purple and black sports car sped after him. She let out a shocked breath. Unconsciously, her feet began moving towards the boy at a quick speed. She looked around and grabbed a broken piece of a pipe. Growling, Mae rushed and threw the pipe at the car, successfully causing it to screech and swerve to a halt. Raf cried out as the bumper of the speeding vehicle smacked against him. The impact caused him to fly and land on the concrete with a pain filled grunt. Mae gasped sharply as she watched the car transform into a giant robot.

"R-Rafael!" she screamed, stumbling back.

Raf whirled as he got up, gasping as he saw his sister cower in fear of the giant decepticon.

"M-Mae!" He cried. "Bumblebee!!"

Soon enough, a yellow and black Urbana 500 came speeding over at an overwhelming speed. It suddenly transformed into a robot just like the other. Mae began to feel overwhelmed. Her head started to spin as she trembled. Bumblebee punched the decepticon as Raf bolted towards his sister. He reached her in time to half catch her as she passed out.

"Mae!" he called in worry, the older sibling having fainted from shock.

He bit his lip as the pain from being hit by the decepticon finally washed over him. 'I guess the adrenaline and seeing Mae kept it from me until now...' he thought to himself and winced. He held his sister close, looking up as Bumblebee managed to take down the decepticon.

:Let's go!: Bumblebee beeped as he transformed.

Raf nodded and struggled to stand with his sister. He gave a small cry.

"I-I can't Bee. I-It hurts..." he whimpered.

Bumblebee let out a few concerned whirs before returning back to his bot mode. He slowly lifted the two siblings into his servos. As gently as possible, the yellow and black bot transformed around them. Raf let out a slight gagging sound as he shot a hand to his mouth.

"Thanks Bee..." he muttered.

: Sorry!: The autobot replied.

Raf sighed and leaned back before looking at his sister. He bit his lip.

:You know her Raf?: Bumblebee asked.

"Mhm.." Raf sounded. "She's my big sister... Mae."


Raf didn't respond, frowning worriedly at his sister. Why was she here? Shouldn't she have been in class? Raf sighed once more as Bumblebee drove to base.

"Another human?!" Ratchet exclaimed. The red and white autobot medic scowled in anger. "When Optimus hears about this, he will not be pleased-!"

"Why will I not be pleased, Ratchet?" A deep baritone voice asked.

Optimus approached with a raised eyebrow. Ratchet huffed and pointed to Bumblebee and Raf.

"They brought another human here!" He complained.

Raf and Bumblebee looked very guilty.

"She's my sister. She saw me getting chased by a decepticon." Raf said quietly. "She tried to save me by hitting it with a pipe."

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