Izuku x Reader: Crushing Hard

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Your POV

I sat in the back of glass, not really giving a care. I was staring at my best friend, and crush, Izuku Midoriya. I heard a mumble, which grew louder.

"(L/n)! Stay after class! I need to talk to you!" I blushed and the teacher gave me a glare. About fifteen minutes after, the bell rang and I stayed, the kids soon leaving.

"I'll wait for you (Y/n)!" Izuku said and I smiled thanking him.

"(L/n)... Get up here- IZUKU! Get back here!" The teacher shouted and Izuku ran back into the class.

"S-sir?" He said, his voice filled with nervousness.

"(L/n), can you tell me why you were staring at Midoriya?" The teacher asked and I blushed.

"I-it wasn't on purpose! I accidentally spaced out!" I said and he had a questioning look on his face.

"Alright. But we have a test tomorrow." He said and I bowed, walking out of the class room with Izuku.

"W... Was that the truth? You- You just... S-spaced out?" He asked and I blushed again.

"Y-yeah." I said and he looked down slightly.

"We should go to the park!" He said, trying to lighten the mood.

'Does... Does he like me back?' I asked myself and he grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the school. When we got to the park, he didn't let my hand go.

"U-uh.. I-Izuku? Y... Your h-hand." I said, looking away to hide my blush. He jumped and pulled his hand away.

"S-s-sorry!" He said and I smiled slightly.

"It's o-okay. I....... I k-kinda l-like i-it." I said and he blushed brightly. This time I grabbed his hand. He looked at me and smiled slightly. We started to walk hand in hand around the park.

Izuku's POV

I kept taking looks at (Y/n) as we walked. Her hair, eyes, and smile are just so... Beautiful. She caught me staring and giggled.

"Are you okay? You seem to be spacing out a lot!" She said and I blushed, looking at our hands. We've been here about an hour and we haven't let go of each other's hand. I soon became a blushing mess.

"Izuku? Are you okay? You're a little red!" She laughed and I sighed. I looked around and saw the gate to the park.

"There's the gate." I said and let go of her hand, stuffing mine it into my pocket. "W-We should get home." I said and she nodded. We walked to her house first and talked a little. She held my hand again and I blushed.

Your POV

I didn't want this to end. Me and my crush, holding hands. I was preparing to make a bold move when we get to my house. We approached my house and I started to blush.

"I had a good time." Izuku said and I smiled.

"So did I. Maybe we could do it again sometime?" I asked and he smiled brightly.

"Sure! I'd like that!" He said and we got to my door. I stood there, facing him. Time for the bold move.

"IREALLYLIKEYOUIZUKU!" I said so fast he couldn't understand.

"Wh- Mphh?!" I had smashed my lips into his and he went wide-eyed. I started to think I just ruined our friendship, until he kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and both of our parents came out.

"I KNEW IT!" My mom shouted and I pulled away quickly, blushing darker than Katsuki's eyes.

"M-MOM!!" I shouted and she laughed.

"You two are cute." Izuku's mother said.

"MOM!" Izuku shouted.

"Izuku/(Y/n) talked about how they like you so much!" Our moms said and I sighed.

"Stay the night?" My mother asked and Izuku's smiled, nodding.

"Sure." She said and we walked into our house. While we were eating dinner, me and Izuku were holding hands under the table. That night, we cuddled in bed, his bare chest causing me to get warmer.

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