Aizawa Shota x Reader: Room-Mates

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Your POV

"IM SO BOARD!! WHEN IS MY NEW ROOM-MATE GETTING HERE?!" I shouted and then sighed. I've been threw about 6 room-mates, losing all of them because they 'didn't like me.' I bet this one's no different. They'll probably leave because my quirk is 'scary'. I can make people see things with the quirk called Illusion.

I also have the quirk Draw, which allows me to draw anything and make it come to life. Say I draw a flower, it will peel off the paper, become 3D and be real, but only if I want it to. All I need to do to destroy it is get it wet, or burn/tear the paper it was on. 

"COME ON!" I shouted and heard a knock on the door. I jumped up, ran to the door, and opened it.

"Hey (Y/n)." The boy said and I blushed lightly.

'Omg omg omg my crush is my new room-mate?!' I thought and smiled.

"Hey Aizawa! So your my new room-mate?" I asked and he nodded. I let him in and he set his things on the other bed.

"So... What do you want to do?" He asked and I looked around the room. I saw a deck of cards and smirked.

"Let's play bullshit." I said and he tilted his head. "It's a card game where you place cards down and see if the other player is lying. So say you need to put down an Ace, but you don't have one. You put down a card, but if I think your lying, I can call bullshit, causing you to pick up the cards that were put down. BUT! If you do put down an ace and I call bullshit, I get the deck. Ok?" I asked and he nodded.

-time skip-


"F**K!!" Aizawa laughed as I picked up the cards. This is our sixth round and so far he's winning.

"How are you so good?" I asked and he pointed to my face.

"I have a good poker face. You don't." He said and I pouted. I looked at the time and sighed.

"I have to call my mom and tell her goodnight. She'll create a search party if I don't." I said and he nodded. When I got back, Aizawa was asleep with his head leaning on the wall. I blushed and sighed, placing a blanket over his shoulders and a small, yet fluffy, pillow on the wall so his head wouldn't hurt. He mumbled some thing in his sleep, causing me to giggled. I got into my bed and smiled to myself, falling asleep.

When I woke up, it was to the black haired boy shaking me. I groaned, glaring at him slightly and he pointed to my phone. I saw my dads phone number and I groaned loudly. I didn't answer, I don't want to talk to him today, so I won't. In all reality, I don't want to talk to him any day.

"Who was that?" Aizawa asked and I sighed.

"My dad. I hate him, but he calls me everyday." I said and looked at Aizawa. "Can I put your hair up?" I asked and he blushed.

"S-sure." He said and I smiled, grabbing a hair tie. He turned around and I started to put his hair up.

'Oh my god his hair is so soft...' I thought and blushed slightly. When I was done I smiled.

"There! Cute- I mean-"

"W-what?" Aizawa said and I blushed a dark red.

"N-nothing!!" I said and pulled my blanket on top of me, hiding my face.

"Did y-you say...c-cute?" He asked and I blushed darker.

"M-maybe." I mumbled and he pulled the blanket off my head. "Quick question... Am I scary?" I asked and he seemed taken back.

"Why would you-"

"All of my other room-mates left because my quirk is 'scary.' But I didn't do anything." I said and he sighed.

"What ever you dream becomes an illusion at night. But I think it's funny. Mainly if you dream about me." He said and I blushed again.


"Don't worry. I like you too." He said and I smiled. He was about to leave, but I grabbed his scarf and pulled him in for a kiss. He kissed me back and we soon pulled away.

"So...are we a thing?" I asked and he nodded. I smiled. "Ok." 

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