Todoroki x Reader: Beach Day

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Your POV

"Shoto!~ Let's do something!~" I sang, jumping on top of him. I laied down on his chest and looked up at him.

"Like what?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Hmmmm." I thought for a moment then got an idea.

"We could invite everyone to the beach!" I said and he shrugged.

"Sure." He said and I jumped up, running around the room. I sent a message to everyone and most responded. I dug in the bag I brought and pulled out my (f/c) bikini. I then ran over to Shoto's cloths and pulled out a white shirt that would probably go down to my mid thighs. I ran to the bathroom and changed, coming out and walking back into Shoto's room.

'Oh my lord he has no shirt on.' I thought and blushed.

"Like what ya see?" Shoto asked with a chuckle and my blush darkened.

"S-SHUT UP BAKA!" I said and he laughed.

"Hey is that my shirt?" He asked and I looked at him.

"So what if it is?" I said and he walked up to me, giving me a hug.

"You're too cute." He said and I started to jump.

"We gotta go!" I said and put on a pair of flip-flops. We walked out of his house and to his car, getting in a heading to the beach. When we got there, Izuku, Uraraka, Iida, Momo, Jirio, Asui, Kirishima, and Bakugou we there. We got out the car and I ran to the girls, jumping on Uraraka.

"Hi!!" I said and smiled, starting to use my quirk and float.

"Hey (Y/n), whose shirt is that?" She asked and I blushed slightly.

"Ribbit, we all know the answer to that." Asui said and my blush darkened.

"S-shut up!" I said. "Let's get into the water!" I ran to the water and jumped in, swimming for a few feet. I looked at a few of the fish and poked my head out of the water, just so my eyes were showing. I looked for Shoto and saw him talking to Izuku and Iida on the beach. I got out of the water, the started to run full spead at Shoto. I jumped on his back and we fell to the ground. I started to laugh and so did everyone else... Other than Shoto. He picked me up bridal style and started to carry me to the water.

"H-hey S-Shoto... I-it was for f-fun." I said and he looked down at me. Someone ran up to him and pushed him down, causing him to drop me and fall. When he landed, his face was on my stomach and I started to laugh. He quickly sat up and had a huge blush on his face.

"Your so cute when your flustered!" I said and his blush darkened. He tried to grab me, but I quickly got up and went into deeper water. He froze the water around me and walked on the ice, it melting because of the heat of the sun. I dived under the water and excaped the ice ring, swimming away from him. There was a splash behind me and then something wrapped around my waist. I started to twist and turn while laughing.

"Stop moving you're gonna sink us both." Shoto said and I smiled up at him.

"You're hot." I said and he blushed. "Can you smile for me?" I asked and he tilted his head.

"Why?" He asked and I smiled.

"Your smile looks better than your frown." I said and he smiled. I hugged him tightly and then got a great idea. I used my quirk and floated up, then sat on his shoulders.

"WHO WANTS TO CHICKEN FIGHT ME!!?" I shouted and Uraraka smirked, getting on Izuku's shoulders. His face turned darker than the school's ties and everyone started to laugh.

-time skip-

"Hey guys, I rented a cabin and we can stay here if you guys want. You can come back if you want to grab some of your things." I said and everyone cheered. We later can back with extra cloths and met everyone that wanted to stay. I had changed into some shorts and one of Shoto's red shirts. Everyone shared a room with one other person and we got permission to swim after hours.

It was about midnight and I was sitting on the beach, just looking at the moon.

"Your so pretty." I turned to the voice and saw Shoto looking down at me and smiling. He sat next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I love you. You know that right. Everything about you is amazing." I said and he looked at me.

"Even my scar? And my left side?" He asked and I smiled, hugging him tightly.

"Yes, even your scar and left side. Everything about you is beautiful. Don't forget that. I love you for you, Shoto Todoroki." I said and he smiled again.

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