The Party!

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Halloween morning, at 7AM, Hailey got up to get ready for school. As she was getting dressed, she heard a "tap, tap" on her window. Nothing was there. Confused, she finished getting dressed & went to brush her teeth. She heard the "tap, tap" again. She didn't think anything of it because she knew of some people who have experienced that, too.

When she was done brushing her teeth, she went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning, Hailey." Her Mother, Carol (who Hailey calls "Mama Reese") said.

"Good morning, Mom." Hailey replied.

They started eating breakfast, which was one of Hailey's favorite foods of all time, blueberry pancakes.

When she was done eating breakfast, she still had 45 minutes left, so she thanked her mom for breakfast & went to her room to finish editing her final Haileyween video of the year. 'Oh, I'm so excited for my Reese's Peaces to see this video,' she thought.

When she was done editing her video which was a vlog from last night sleeping in a haunted library in the Ottawa Jail Hostel, she heard her Mom call out to her. "Hailey, the bus is coming."

Hailey grabbed her backpack & rushed downstairs & through the door. As she was boarding the bus, she saw her Mom wave bye to her, so she waved bye back.

At the next stop after hers, her best friend, Sarah got on the bus & sat in the seat next to her.

"Hey, Hales," Sarah said, happy to see her.

"Hey," Hailey replied. She looked back down at her lunch bag & gasped. Suddenly, her lunch bag wasn't there anymore. It was a doll that she made a video of at the beginning of October named Okiku; the doll whose hair grows.

"What's wrong?" Sarah asked, concerned.

"Um, nothing..." Hailey replied as she looked back down at what used to be Okiku which was now her lunch bag.

When they got to school & everyone got off the bus, Hailey & Sarah went to their lockers When Hailey opened her locker, she saw a different doll who she talked about in a video also at the beginning of October...the aging doll.

She slammed her locker door shut.

Sarah looked at her, confused.

"Oh. My. God!" Hailey whispered to herself.

Hailey went back to open her locker & nothing was there.

After they closed their lockers, ready to go to English class, their friend, Shane ran past them with a bunch of papers in his hand & his books in his other hand.

"Uh, Shane, are you okay?" Hailey asked. "You're kind of in a rush by the looks of it."

"Yes, I'm fine," Shane said, trying to catch his breath.

"Are you sure?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah, I'm just putting these up now before it's too late & I don't want to be late for English class," he replied, struggling to put up the posters with one hand.

"How about I take your books & put them in the classroom, let Ms. Gutowski know you're going to be a tad bit late because you're putting up last minute posters..." Hailey offered as she took Shane's books.

"Are you sure she'll understand?" Shane asked.

"Have you met Ms. Gutowski? Of course she'll understand." Hailey replied.

"Okay. Thank you," Shane replied.

"You're welcome," Hailey replied.

Hailey did what she said she would do.

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