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Warning, this is going to contain cereal things (sometimes) so please don't criticize the junk that I think of.


I tap my foot on the cold tiles of my bathroom to get rid of my shaking. I can't decide whether I should swallow the bottle of sleeping pills in my medicine cabinet or use my trusty razor that has always helped release my pain. I feel like I owe my razor a break from all the times I've used it and should take the pills instead to give the razor a break .That though makes a chuckle escapes my lips and I realizes that I've been crying. This makes me only feel even more hatred towards myself so I pick up the razor. I always knew that it would be the end of me so I don't know why I was even fronting. Maybe I was just stalling for time, time for some reason to not do this, a reason for someone and see if I'm okay with but that hasn't happened in years so why would they bother now. Should I write a letter for my family? No, they don't deserve closure, they never cared about my opinion any way. This makes me cry even hard for a long time, that's when I realized that I've been in my bathroom for hours. I woke up at 3am so I would have time for the drugs to kick in, or the blood to flow out of my body. It's now 7 o'clock and I'm still crying. I wipe them away and smile saying that those were the last of my tears. I take a look in the mirror and my eyes are red and puffy.

I start off cutting like I normally do

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I start off cutting like I normally do. This makes me feel selfish, but for once I want to do something for myself, which I'm not going to regret.The first cut stings, but it only makes me want to cut deeper.The pain from all the weight and pressure to be perfect that I've ever had on my shoulder goes away. I don't want the doctor to have a hard time sewing my arm up in preparation of my soon to be funeral so I just cut in the same line repeatedly, like the perfect boy I'm supposed to be, to not make other peoples lives harder just because mine is bad. The blood starts to run instead of drip. My whole body starts to feel numb as I slip out of life and hit the hard tiles. The only things I can make sense of are the warmth from the blood and the screaming of someone who's voice I recognize. Then the whole world goes silent.

Name:Leo Hassan
DOB: 4/20/00
Cause:The World

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