
63 39 7

Kim Jeseul


I swiped my phone from my night stand without opening my eyes, unlocked my phone and squinted my eyes at how bright as hell my phone's brightness is. I pressed the green button on the left side of my screen and was taken aback at who called.

"Wake up lazy ass! You're late for school." Yoongi said over the phone making me jump up from my bed and look at my alarm clock.

"Shit." I cursed to myself

The bell will ring at exactly 7:30 and I'm still here sitting down and it's what? 7:00?

"Thanks for reminding me" I hung up and immediately did my morning routine as fast as I can and ran on my way to school. I didn't even bother to brush my wet hair.

Thank jisoos it's just 7:27 when I came. I held on the handle of my classroom's door and controlled my breathing for a while. I then pulled the door and went in.

After I sit on my chair, the bell rang. I sighed in relief because I thought I was going to be late but hey, I didn't. The door slammed open and I looked to see who it is. Surprisingly, Yoongi's friends are here without him.

"Hi Jeseul~" The guys walked up to me.

"Hey guys~!" My eyes wandered looking for the same guy.

"You're looking for Yoongi, right?" Taehyung said with his eyebrow raised.

"Hm." I nodded. I guess I'll just count. If he's not yet here, then, he's absent.




Not here. I sighed and went back to reading. After a few minutes, suddenly, the door slammed opened showing what I was looking for the whole time.

"There he is." Jungkook said

My smile was quickly turned into a frown when I saw him smiling and laughing with a girl. I haven't seen him smile and laugh like that before until now. I focused on my book and just scanned through it like nothing happened.

"Good thing the teacher is not here yet, pabo" Jin stated. So they're okay now?

"By the way, Jeseul was looking for you." Jin continued

"Oh, really? I was looking for her too but I guess she already got in." My heart can't stop beating at a really fast pace now.

Finally, I had the confidence to look at the guys talking to Yoongi and Yoongi himself but he caught me staring at him. Abort mission! I quickly turn my head to my book and just pretended to read something.

"Why are you reading your book upside down?" he chuckled. My heart is freaking out and I don't know what to do with it and my blood traveled all the way up on both of my cheeks. Aysh!

I turn my book on the other way around quickly and he smiled at me. He's acting strange today, isn't he?

"You're weird today." I said without looking at his breathtaking looks because if I did, I might have passed out already

"You're weirder today." He retort and wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"Why are you so happy today?" I asked

"You'll see." He winked at me and walked back to the guys

What is he planning to do now? Why am I having bad feelings about this? I shake my head to remove all of the bad things I've been thinking the whole time since he arrived here.

Min Yoongi

Jeseul said she'll be back here because she will borrow another book from the library. This is the right time for me to talk about what I'm going to do later.

"Yah!" I yell making everyone sitting on our table look at me with confused faces.

"Why are you so loud?" Hoseok yelled at me making me flinch. I hushed him and cleared my throat.

"I'm going to take Jeseul on a date later."

"So?" all of them said

"Aish! Why are all of you so cruel? I just wanted advice from you." I sighed

"Just be yourself, hyung. Don't worry about the people around you. Just Jeseul and you only." Jungkook said in a confident tone

"Looks like someone is in love too." Jimin said and Jungkook just rolled his eyes

"Yoongi-ah don't do something inappropriate to her alright? Just a date or I'm going to kill you." Jin said and laughed

"Alright." I smiled a bit. I can feel the nervousness in my system.

"What are you guys talking about?" A familiar voice walked up here and I knew it was Jeseul. I don't know what to respond. Oh god. I'm in trouble.

"Huh? We were just talking about... uh-"

"We talked about about where we should go this semester break and you should go too." Thanks to Namjoon, he cut me off. I gave him a nod and thumbs up.

"Oh, that's really awesome. Where to?" Jeseul responded. The boys including me both looked at each other in a 'what-should-we-say-because-we're-obviously-lying' face.

"Out of town or out of the country?" I asked. Good thing my mind is functioning right now and is not sleeping.

"That's like Jeju or Japan if you ask me." Taehyung said and suddenly Jeseul's face lit up when she heard the word 'Japan'.

"I heard Japan is a good place. I wanna go there so badly." Jeseul said. I see.

"Alright, Japan it is. Break is only two or three weeks away so we should book now or never." Jin said

"And Japan is a really good place for a couple to date, right Yoongi hyung?" The youngest wiggled his eyebrows at me which made Jeseul blush a bit on the corner of my eyes.

The bell rang and thank god I have the same class as Jeseul or I'm gonna die with my fan girls with just me alone in the other classroom. I stood up and walked up to Jeseul who is currently standing up too and walked faster. I tried to catch up to her and grabbed her wrist.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked

"What are you talking about? I'm not." She said while looking down. She's definitely lying and she's not good at lying either.

"Jinjja? I know you're lying." I squeezed her hand and intertwined my fingers onto hers making her blush all over her face. She looks like a cute tomato right now. I can't stop smiling

"Yah there are people looking at us." I pinched her cheeks. I don't care about the people looking at us. It's not my fault if they don't have a girlfriend looking like a sunshine

"Come on." She pulled me to the classroom and I smiled happily at her.



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