Gfriend and Seventeen debuted the same year, won rookie of the year and dance group. Because of their hardwork, success and achievements, both groups will have a collab in MAMA. What will happen if 1 couple will end up falling for each other? Are th...
I got back to our dorm safely and I texted Eunbi not to worry about what his manager told us. I knew that she would be very upset because of what happened before we parted. It's a good thing that they too would be very busy shooting for their upcoming show while us Seventeen would promote our album and perform in different music shows. I slept thinking about my Eunbi.
In the morning, I received a text from Eunbi.
SB: Good morning oppa, we'll be leaving in the afternoon. I'm gonna miss you. 😘❤️
I texted back and replied to her text message.
JH: Good morning my baby, take care always and send me some pictures when you get there. I will miss you more. 😘
SB: Kamsahamnida oppa. Saranghae. ❤️☺️
JH: Nado saranghae my baby.
I inserted my phone in my pocket when our manager told us to get ready for the upcoming music show performances, fansign events, awarding and fan meeting concert. We were practicing a lot for the promotion of our album too. Our carats were supportive of us despite of a lot of group artists who made their comebacks in November 2017. We also knew that our sunbaenims and idols Super Junior had the same month of comeback as us.
We were all pressured and happy at them same time because we would see our sunbaenims in various music shows. Our manager told us to greet our sunbaenims in their dressing room. We were so happy and gave them our album to show our respect. Their leader, Leeteuk, acknowledged us as their juniors or hoobae. Leeteuk sunbae was also called Cheonsa(angel) in their group so he asked us all of a sudden.
"I heard that you also have a cheonsa in your group. Who is he?" Leeteuk sunbae asked while smiling.
"Ne, Jeonghan is our cheonsa." My members replied in unison while pointing their fingers at me.
"I bet you would be like me in the future. Come here!" Leeteuk sunbae commanded me.
I approached him and bowed in front of him.
"Do we look alike?" He asked his members and my members too.
"Ne, wow daebak! Baksu!" My members responded in unison and some clapped their hands and nodded in approval.
"Chukhae on your comeback Super Junior sunbaenims." Seventeen said in unison.
We had a group picture and posted it on our Instagram.
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After we posted our picture on Instagram, some fans tagged Gfriend's Instagram because they compared our post to their picture with SNSD sunbaenims.
I was so happy that my girlfriend's girl group was being compared to us Seventeen in a good way and most comments and reactions were positive.
On the next day, Eunbi sent me a message in kakaotalk telling me that they arrived safely in Italy. She also told me that their manager gave her phone back because they needed it just in case they got lost, they could easily contact her. They were also asked to take a lot of pictures to be posted on their Instagram account. I was amazed of how my Eunbi looked in a long dress and in a cool barista uniform. She sent me some of her photos.
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"Wow!" I just exclaimed after seeing her pictures.
I didn't notice that my members and manager were looking at me and curious of why I was amazed at something.
"What is it, hyung?" Boo Seungkwan asked curiously.
"None of your business, Seungkwanie." I said teasingly.
"Hyung!" Seungkwan whined like a little kid.
"Come here, you little kid." I commanded him while ruffling his hair.
I showed him my Eunbi's picture and he left his mouth opened then laughed afterwards after seeing her wearing that barista attire.
"Did she apply for a parttime job there, hyung?" Seungkwan asked while laughing.
"Aniya, you little brat!" I said while slapping his butt cheek.
"Come on and get ready for our next performance." I said and put my arm around his shoulder.
"Hyung!" Seungkwan whined because he wanted to chat Eunbi but I snatched his phone.
"Kaja! Boo Seungkwan." I told him then handed his phone to our manager.
After the recording of our performance on stage, we headed to our dressing room. My Eunbi chatted me about not performing in MAMA.
SB: "Oppa, we will not perform in MAMA this year because our schedule was loaded and we would prepare for our concert in January 2018."
I replied to her message.
JH: "It's ok my baby, I don't want you to pass out once again on stage because of too many stage performances and guesting. Please take care of yourself. I miss you."
SB: "Aw oppa, kamsahamnida for understanding the situation. Bogoshipda."
JH: "Your health is always first my baby. Don't skip your meals too."
SB: "Ne, oppa!"
JH: ❤️
Then, our manager told us that we needed to prepare for MAMA performance in Vietnam and Japan. It was really a surprise for us. We knew that this year would be a blessing for all of us. My members formed a circle and cheered before we started to practice.