Chapter 25

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Jeonghan's POV

It's been a month since I last saw my Eunbi. I missed her so much but time didn't permit us to meet even our companies were very strict. We've been practicing and working on our next comeback and debut in Japan. I heard that my baby will debut in Japan too, so they too were very busy. After our practice I asked Dokyeom to eat out and disguise so that fans wouldn't see us. I texted Eunbi to do the same thing because I really miss her.

JH: "My princess, how is it going? Are you free tonight?"

SB: "Ne, oppa. Wae? Do you miss me?"

JH: "Aniya, my gut feeling said that my TtinB misses me a lot."

SB: "Jinja? You just texted me now, I thought you have forgotten about your girlfriend."

JH: "Aw my baby is holding a grudge against me now. I'll make it up to you, I promise. Please meet me later after your practice. Hmm?"

SB: "Arasso! Just keep your promise oppa or else I won't see you again."

JH: "Ne, yakso my baby. Just tag along one of your members and disguise so that fans wouldn't see you. See you later."

I prepared my mask, cap and jacket with hoodie. I ask DK to get ready in 30 minutes. Good thing, it was still cold in Seoul and people still wore thick clothes like us. We went to buy street foods because we seldom eat those during our promotions and practice. The last time I remembered eating those were in training days.

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After eating, Eunbi and Yerin arrived

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After eating, Eunbi and Yerin arrived. They look cute together and beautiful even without make up on, no wonder Buddies ship SinRin but SinHan is sailing. DK and I approached them and bowed to greet them. We were at the restaurant where idols could freely hang out. Eunbi was sitting beside Yerin and I was facing Eunbi so we could at least talk while DK was facing Yerin and their conversation was all about Yuju because DK kept on asking about her. While they were having a small talk, I held Eunbi's hand and kissed it. She was shocked and blushing at the same time.

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