#1- The Nitty Gritty of Writing

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*Wattpad Insider has absolutely no ties to the app, website, or company, Wattpad, for more information please contact me personally if there are any discrepancies.*

Hello everyone and welcome to the first edition of Wattpad Insider! This edition will have books YOU should be reading, tips to be a better writer, and a special interview with TheIrishMadMan! So buckle up and get ready for the first ever Wattpad Insider!

This edition of Wattpad Insider is partially sponsored by: ZeldaMaster64,
If you wish to have your story featured in Wattpad Insider, please PM me!

Here are five tips I have gotten from varied sources on Wattpad. From authors to Wattpad itself. All of these are great tips for both beginners and seasoned writers!
1. Make a plan- make a plan for your characters, your scene, the general plot, and the story itself. Always know the general direction you want to go to.
2. Let ideas come! Step back, take a breath, and look around. Think of the last thing that happened to your characters and think of what they would do at the given moment.
3. WRITE! THINGS! DOWN! People I can't stress this enough! Write down ideas or interesting conversations you've had. Always keep your mind open for new ideas.
4. Keep typing. Never let your fingers leave that keyboard. Even if it's just globs of nonsense, you will eventually get an idea by letting your imagination run in the background.
5. Take ten minutes. Write a few paragraphs. Take a two minute break. Then get back to writing!

These people helped this story grow by promoting this story. I give a special thanks to the following.

ZeldaMaster64: His works consist of male reader inserts for RWBY. He is a great guy and a good friend. His story that I like the most is Who Needs Alchemy? The story is a crossover of s Alchemist and RWBY. It puts you in Edwards shoes. You can read more about it on ZeldaMaster64's page.

If you want a spot in this section of WI please contact me through PM.

On Saturday the 25 I had the pleasure of interviewing TheIrishMadMan.

While I interviewed him over a skype message I had time to ask him a series of questions.

Question 1: How do you get ideas for stories?

TheIrishMadMan : They Normally just pop into my head at the most random times if i'm honest. And to progress on those ideas I write them on a mini whiteboard to remember them. It's worked so far.

2: Why do you write? To tell a story? To entertain? Is it to release stress? Or is it more symbolic for you?

TheIrishMadMan: I write to tell stories and to get experience. I want to learn different writing styles and Wattpad was the best place for it.

3: Where do you start when writing a story? What is your ideal physical and mental state? Do you listen to music? Do you keep an idea journal? Do you have a special place where you go to think?

TheIrishMadMan: I try to think of a suitable backstory for the main character that ties into the actual story and can be incorporated into the story i'm writing a fanfiction about. I always listen to music as it's very relaxing, unless it's ear rape music. And that little whiteboard is where my ideas are kept.

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