Chapter Three

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"That's funny," I said. "But there won't be any way for us to find out until I go home with you and, lucky for me and unlucky for you, I don't plan to anytime soon." I smiled devilishly at him. I just wanted to tease him about what he said. "I hope you don't take this as me flirting with you. I doubt the school board would be so fond of me even enjoying your company." He seemed worried. I laughed and smiled at that. Maybe he thought I'd tell someone I suppose. I didn't plan on it though, I didn't plan on telling anybody. Not even my own mother. "Don't worry, it'll be our little secret. Although, you don't have anything to worry about unless you really are flirting with me." I laughed a little more just so he'd know I was kidding with him.

"I suppose that could be our dirty secret as well, as long as you don't plan on whispering lies about us." I was a little offended by this, I won't lie. But I figured he may have a right to be worried and that I shouldn't bitch at him for a statement. "I'd never lie about you. But depending on the reason and importance I may lie for you."

"I'll keep that in mind in case I need an alibi someday. Until then though, would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? I know it's still early but we can keep each other company until then." I thought over the options and decided it wouldn't kill me to eat dinner with my teacher, right? It's completely innocent and even if it wasn't, I might be okay with that. "Why the hell not? I'll let my mom know I won't be home until late. As long as you promise to walk me home." He smiled at me with that brilliant smile full of wisdom that was older and wiser than he could be at his age.

Nothing could go wrong. He made me happy and it hadn't even been that long. I'm sure any woman would feel the same as me in that moment, but it felt so calm and so good. It felt like one of my better choices in life. We left quickly for his apartment, both of us growing bored of standing and doing nothing. It was growing later and I honestly wanted to spend as much time alone with him as possible.

It took a lot longer to get there than I thought it would. It was a beautiful place that looked like it could be a mansion. Did it look rundown? A little. But in the old, rich, vampire kind of way. Old and beautiful. Two of the best yet most ironic things in one explanation, I know, but it'd make sense if you saw it. It basically looked like one of those places you would imagine a rich drug pusher would stay in if he was trying to lay low while also living the good life. I admired it for a while but sooner or later I decided I should probably go inside since Mr. Reynolds had done so moments before.

The inside was even better than the out. It was dressed from roof to four in velvet and silk and only the most expensive things you could imagine. Looking at it from the outside you would never imagine it was this beautiful on the inside. I mean, I knew Mr. Reynolds was rich, but I wasn't thinking this rich. "Teaching doesn't pay this much," I stated to him. "Is there another secret you want to tell me?" "Yeah, I'm actually a mafia leader, sorry to break it to you but we'll be auctioning you off later on."

He smiled at me and I smiled back but, if I'm being honest, this place looked like it could be exactly what he said. "I'm starting to think that a teaching job might just be one of the ways to keep you busy as well." I said. "There's just nowhere a teaching salary could maintain a payment for a place like this, and if it can, I'm ready to get my degree as a math teacher too right now." "My family is generous, I will say that, but most of what I pay for is from my own life savings. It'll take you more than a teaching job to get that... Do you walk around? Or would you rather just go up to my apartment?" He said, gesturing to the elevator I was glad they had.

That place was huge, no way I was going to climb steps anywhere in that place. "How about we hang out, eat dinner, and then you can show me around. I'm already getting home late, I might as well be even later. It's not like we have school tomorrow right? Plus, you're walking me home so I'll be safe from any scary monsters on the way home." "Sounds like a plan then. Ladies first." We walked to the elevator and he hit the "7" on the keypad of the door. I was expecting a lot but definitely not this much. I knew tonight would be interesting and that it'd change more than just the way him and I know each other, but the way we knew ourselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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