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the group of eight were in bill's garage

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the group of eight were in bill's garage. bill said that he wanted to show them something that might possibly help them figure out what the hell was going on.

there was a projector set up in the middle of the room sat on a small table and a map of derry on the wall in front of them. ben passed bill a collection of slides, delilah presumed they were the ones that bill was looking at a few days ago. delilah was sat on a box right beside richie, which for some reason made her feel a lot safer.

"look," bill said whilst pointing towards a part of the map, "that's where g-georgie d-disappeared." delilah looked toward the map seeing that the part of the map that bill was focused on was circled and labelled storm drain.

after a short moment of silence, bill continued. "there's the ironworks, the black spot. everywhere something bad happens, where it happens, it's all connected by the sewers. and they all meet back at the well house."

"isn't that the house on neibolt street?" delilah inquires. stan nodded in response to the girls question.

"you mean that creepy house where junkies and hobos stay?" richie asked, confused as to why that place would be where it all meets up.

"i hate that place." beverly began, "it always feels like it watching me." delilah looked towards beverly and nodded, showing that delilah felt exactly the same way she did.

"that's where i saw it. that's where i saw the clown." eddie said, breathing heavily.

"t-thats where it lives." bill informed, causing eddie to take a puff of his inhaler in the hopes of calming down somewhat.

"i cant imagine anything ever wanting to live there." stan said, speaking his thoughts out loud.

"can we just stop talking about this?!" eddie shouted, standing up suddenly shocking the majority of the room. "i-i can barely breathe, its summer, we're kids! i can barely breathe! i'm having a fucking asthma attack!" eddie paused for a moment before ripping the map off the wall behind him. "i am not doing this."

"what are you doing? put the map back!" bill said, evidently annoyed at eddie. eddie shook his head no. there was clearly no way that they were going to convince eddie that he needed to calm down and put the map back on the wall.

then the slides on the projector started to change. first everyone looked towards bill, to see if he had been the one to change the slide. seeing that he wasn't they started to grow more frightened and they turned heir heads towards the wall where the projections were being shown. delilah's heart sank when slides of georgie and bill with their parents appeared on the wall, knowing how upset this would probably make bill.

DELILAH • RICHIE TOZIER Where stories live. Discover now