c h a p t e r e l e v e n

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it was september

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it was september. the losers club were all gathered on a field near to the quarry, all
say in a circle. beverly was explaining what she had experienced during her time alone in the sewers. the rest of them sat in complete silence.

"i can only remember parts but," beverly then paused. "i thought i was dead. that's what it felt like." as she was sat in between bill and richie, delilah reached across bill just to put a comforting hand on beverly's leg.

"i saw us. all of us together," beverly continued, "but we were older, like our parents ages.

"w-w-what were we all doing there?" bill inquired, looking intently at beverly.

"i just remember how we felt." beverly replied, not having an answer to bills question. "how scared we were. i don't think i can ever forget that."

the whole group looked a mixture of puzzled and concerned, concerned for their safety in the future and puzzled as to what might happen. delilah lay her head on richie's shoulder to try and comfort herself but her head was only there for a few seconds when bill shot up, a piece of glass in his hand. richie silently cursed bill for making the girl jump and therefore move her head from his shoulder.

"swear it." bill started as the group looked up at him. "swear if it isn't dead, if it ever comes back, that we'll come back too."

beverly was the first to stand of course, just before richie, delilah and eddie followed by mike, ben and stan.

bill cut his own hand first, then turned to delilah, who only winced slightly as the glass pierced her skin. bill then continued going around the circle until everyone had a cut on their palm. they all joined hands, richie grasping on to delilah's and delilah grabbing bills hand in hers. they all only held hands for a moment, but it was a moment that would stay in everyone's minds forever.

"i gotta go." stan spoke up. "i hate you."

as stan said this the look on bills face fell, until stan smiled and let out a laugh, signalling that he was joking. this caused all the others to laugh too. richie glances at delilah as she laughed at stan, admiring her for just a second.

all the losers then bid goodbye to stan as he turned around and walked back up the pathway they had come down.

next to leave was eddie, who gave richie a short hug before waving goodbye to the others.

next was mike, "see you later losers." he said playfully as he gave delilah a hug, before just saying goodbye to everyone else.

richie was the next to leave, "see you around bill. i'll see you guys later."

it was finally delilah's turn, she didn't want to leave of course she didn't but she had to. tears started welling up in her eyes as she realised this might be the last time she sees beverly for a while.

"i'm gonna miss you so much, bev." delilah said embracing the girl, "you and your thousands of layers. you will always be the hardest goodbye. thank you for being my best friend, i love you."

"how lucky am i to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard?" beverly replied with a question, at this point both girls were crying and ben and bill only watched knowing how close both the girls were. " i will always be there for you, always, no matter where i am. you are my sister, i love you and nothing will ever change that."

"oh god! when did we become so emotional?" delilah said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. beverly, ben and bill all let out small laughs.

"bye ben, bye bill. i'll see you guys soon." delilah said as she pulled both boys in for a little hug and then leaving.

delilah didn't know for sure what had happened after she and ben left but she had a pretty good idea after all the explaining beverly did over the phone and through letters.

meanwhile, delilah had somehow managed to catch up with richie. either he was extremely slow or she was extremely fast.

"hey rich." delilah called as she noticed him waking ahead of her just near their houses.

"hi dee. have you been crying?" richie asked with concern.

"yeah, just a bit emotional with beverly leaving."

"well, you know where i am, if you ever need anything." richie offered which a smile.

"thanks rich." delilah beamed.

delilah then planned to plant a peck on his cheek as richie was looking toward his house, but apparently fate had other plans. as delilah was about an inch away from richie's cheek, he turned causing their lips to plant on top of each other. richie blush furiously, but delilah didn't. she just planted another small kiss, not a peck but a small kiss, on richie's lips and he reciprocated. then delilah just ascended the stairs leading to her front door.

before she entered, delilah turned back to richie and waved, "see you around, rich."

as soon as delilah shut the door, richie leaped into the air and started what would only be described as an insane victory dance. richie then ran to his house with a spring in his step.

on the other side of the door, delilah was smitten. she touched her lips slightly and had the biggest smile on her face. she went up to her room and slid down her door, ecstatic at the events that had just unfolded.

i am sobbing. i can't believe that this book is over. i hope you guys don't mind that i put quite a lot of delilah and beverly in this chapter as well, it seemed only fitting. please remember to vote and comment on every single chapter. thank you to everyone for their support with this book and i may or may not have a short epilogue chapter planned shortly. thank you all again. - a x

if any of you know where this quote is from 'how lucky am i to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard?' you're the real mvp.

DELILAH • RICHIE TOZIER Where stories live. Discover now