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The Next Day:


GOM's Schedule:

6:00 am - Wake up

6:30 am - Get ready, Wear Casually clothes with Mask and hat

7:00 am - No breakfast, Drink 2 bottles of Water

7:30 am - A driver will pick you up taking you to the trainee.

8:30 am - Arrival time

9:00 am - Kuroko begins training with the trainee, while the other GOM practices the choreography for the concert.

12:00 pm - {lunch} 15-minute break, Drink 5 bottles of water, Crackers and cheese, and 1 snack of your choice

12:15 pm - Continue Training

3:00 pm - Training the trainee ends ~ Driver picks up GOM bringing them to XXX stadium.

4:00 pm - Arrival Time @ XXX stadium

4:30 pm - Change clothes to Concert clothes

5:00 pm - Get hair and make-up done

6:00 pm - Everyone practice the choreography

8:00 pm - End practicing, make sure receive all musical equipment. {Ex: Drums, Mics, Guitar}

8:15 pm - Make sure ALL equipment work, also practice singing the songs

9:00 pm - Concert begins - Take it from there

11:00 pm - Concert Ends - Don't forget to say your farewells to fans

11:30 pm - Help clean up {If needed by staff} {if not just rest}


The day of the concert and training the trainee

5:30 am

Third Person POV


{Also in their dorm, they have 3 bedrooms and each bedroom has one bed, there are 2 people in each room. With only 2 bathrooms fitting 3 people}

No one in the GOM never really liked mornings, especially on weekdays. With such a busy schedules and short breaks, they started to dislike mornings, but of course, they still needed to wake up. One by one each of the members' phone went off with an annoying ring. Midorima woke up first and with his roommate being Murasakibara he instantly gave up trying to wake him up. Midorima turned off his phone alarm noticing Murasakibara's phone alarm didn't ring. Knowing Murasakibara, Midorima knew he probably never even set an alarm.

"Idiot" Midorima said under his breath.

Midorima walked to Akashi's and Kuroko's room trying to wake them up. Both of them had terrible bed hair. Akashi's hands were wrapped around Kuroko's waist and his face was directly placed between Kuroko's neck and shoulder. Kuroko's back was facing Akashi while he was hugging a pillow. Midorima was about to take a picture of them when he felt scissors almost hit him directly in the face.

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