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Author's Note:

Before we begin the story, I would like to say, I won't be following the update schedule anymore for any of my books. As you noticed I'm still slow and unorganized with updates, but I don't want to give my readers rushed, unedited, crappy chapters. So I will update more slowly BUT with longer and better chapters.

Mkay lets continue the story now!


Dear Kuroko Tetsuya,

Hey T. Remember me? From highschool? You're current lover? Well, it seems you forgot about me. So very sad though. We did so much together. We were married. We had kids. But why did you run away? All I did was admire you. You were my everything.

Why are you always hanging out with the GOM so much? Are you cheating on me? You are mine. I would die for you. If you don't love me I will kill myself. I don't care how many fans you have. You are mine forever.

See you at home honey~

-Your lover



"I need to call Sei-Kun"



Akashi's phone rang and he immediately answered it knowing it was Kuroko.

"Hello, Tetsuya do you need something?"

"Hi, yes Sei-Kun. Could you pick up me and Kagami-Kun at the old dance studio?" Kuroko asked trying to hide the urgency in his voice.

"Of course, and is something bothering you?" Akashi responded very concerned that Kuroko was calling him earlier than expected.

Kuroko bit his lip not wanting to talk about it over the phone -because someone might be listening.

"I'll tell you in the car."

"Okay, I understand.... See you then Tetsuya."

"See you then Sei-Kun."

-call ended-

"Hey, Kuroko who the hell was the one who sent that creepy ass letter?!"

-Kagami read the letter while Kuroko was on the phone-

"I don't know. -sigh- It was probably another saesang fan." Kuroko replied, too tired of worrying and just waited for Akashi to pick him and Kagami up.

Kagami just nodded, noticing Kuroko's tired state. Kuroko was exhausted, he had bags under his eyes, beads of sweat was all over his forehead, and his hair was all messed up and scattered. Kagami started to feel bad that he took out short blue-headed man just for his own selfish request. And it was the only time he could ever rest.

-7 minutes later-

Akashi arrived at the dance studio waiting for Tetsuya and that red annoyance, as Akashi would like to call it.

Kurok and Kagami went inside the black car with dark tinted windows.

Kuroko sat in the passenger's seat next to Akashi. While Kagami reluctantly sat in the back.

Akashi nodded in satisfaction and started driving.

"Tetsuya, care to explain what is happening?"

Kuroko sighed knowing this was unavoidable. "I received a letter from a 'fan' the same type of fan Kise experienced before."

Kagami tried to hand Akashi the letter but Akashi pushed it away since he was driving.

"Another Saesang fan?" Akashi assumed.

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