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GOM's Schedule:

6:00 am - Wake up {done} ✅

6:30 am - Get ready, Wear Casually clothes with Mask and hat {done}✅

7:00 am - No breakfast, Drink 2 bottles of Water {done}✅

7:30 am - A driver will pick you up taking you to the trainee. {done}✅

8:30 am - Arrival time {done}✅

9:00 am - Kuroko begins training with the trainee, while the other GOM practices the choreography for the concert. {Done}✅

12:00 pm - {lunch} 15-minute break, Drink 5 bottles of water, Crackers and cheese, and 1 snack of your choice {Done}✅

12:15 pm - Continue Training

3:00 pm - Training the trainee ends ~ Driver picks up GOM bringing them to XXX stadium.

4:00 pm - Arrival Time @ XXX stadium

4:30 pm - Change clothes to Concert clothes

5:00 pm - Get hair and make-up done

6:00 pm - Everyone practice the choreography

8:00 pm - End practicing, make sure receive all musical equipment. {Ex: Drums, Mics, Guitar}

8:15 pm - Make sure ALL equipment work, also practice singing the songs

9:00 pm - Concert begins - Take it from there

11:00 pm - Concert Ends - Don't forget to say your farewells to fans

11:30 pm - Help clean up {If needed by staff} {if not just rest}



Kagami and The GOM finished their lunch break and began training again. The GOM {except Kuroko} began practicing concert songs and dances. Kuroko and Kagami continued practicing.

Time Skip: {2:15pm}

"Alright, everyone! I got a text from the driver! He is going to pick us up soon! Everyone go to showers!" Midorima Yelled.

Kagami got up drenched in sweat, "Hey! Where are you guys going?"

"We have a concert today Kagami-Kun," Kuroko replied trying to get his stuff together.

"What about my training?" Kagami said

"We're sorry Kagami-cchi! We can't miss this concert!" Kise said trying to cheer the red-head up.

"Oh ok..." Kagami responded keeping his head down. The tall red-head exited the training room, no one stopped him.


In the Showers:

The Shower Room

Akashi, Midorima, and Kuroko were the first to go to the shower.

"Oh, my~ Tetsuya your body improved quite a bit. You almost have abs." Akashi said hugging Kuroko from the behind while Kuroko was getting out the shower.

"Look Shintaro, Didn't Tetsuya's body improve?" Akashi said while turning Kuroko to face MIdorima.

Midorima was now on the ground drowning in his blood from his nose.

"See Tetsuya? Shintaro agrees!" Akashi said while smiling weirdly.

Kuroko swiftly grabbed a random soap bar on the floor and threw it directly at Akashi's face.

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