I carry the key as close to me as possible, gripping my hand so tightly around the smooth gold that my hand starts to hurt. I see light at the end of a long part of the cave. So I head toward it, thinking it must lead back to the path. I stand in the cave at the edge of the opening, and peer out. There is about a foot of nothing, dropping down at least 100 feet into water. I only have to jump, then I'll be on land again, and I can go home. I take a few steps back, getting a running start, and I jump.
The wind is flying through my hair, making it go all crazy and whip around me like a tornado. Thud. My feet hit the ground, I am safe.
I see the path, and get on it, going back to look for Jacob. And there it is, the little beach we were at just hours before. But Jacob's not there. Did he seriously leave me here?
It looks darker in the sky, so I walk back to the path and run for as long as I can. I see the break where it leads to the road home. I step on the gravel, my feet hitting against the rocks.I haven't stopped running, and I won't until I get home. There it is! I see the faintest glow of our porch light, that means dad must be home. I haven't seen him in three days, he had an emergency and had to stay. He doesn't know about Emma, and I don't know if he even cares. He was never around much in our childhood, and when he was he was sleeping, or not paying attention to us. Ever since mom died, he seemed even more distant, around much less.
I step inside the house, and call out, "Dad?" No reply. "Dad?!" There is silence.
It's very dark now, and I need sleep, I walk up to my bedroom, and fall into a deep sleep.